Just imagine my surprise when I received a lovely letter from the above lady that I haven't heard of with an unpronounceable name. My name is Mrs. Fathiea Al Bitar, I would have like to have a private discussion with you, If you don't mind. Please let me know if my letter is welcome, I will tell you more about my self with my photo and why I contacted you. Mrs. Fathiea Al Bitar I remember many...
Results for "meditation"
Theophany – timing is all – a private consultation
What a lovely word almost onomatopoeic. I heard it at 7:45 AM this morning when I was making my coffee. It reminds me of a musical instrument, of an imagined Theophone family. The theophone is a bit like a trombone but would emit a soft, almost maudlin, tone. But I jest. The word theophany is a manifestation of God that is tangible to the human senses. In its most restrictive sense, it is a...
Heaven and Hell plus can loneliness be beaten?
It is nearly 9 o'clock in the evening and very unusually I have not found anything particularly interesting to write about so I'm going to start from zero by sitting down in front of my computer and seeing what happens. One of the allotment tenants of which I am the chairman and secretary off the Association had to resign because his doctors told him he has a brain tumour. He has maintained his...
My first Communion for goodness knows how many years
Enthusiastic followers of my diary will note that I reported gleefully that I went to church for the first time for years last Sunday and decided to repeat the process today for what turned out to be a combined service with the adjacent parishes. I entered the church at 10 minutes to the hour to find an enthusiastic crowd of about 20 people talking animatedly amongst themselves. And why not say...
Samuel Pepys, rapist – enough! – the winter solstice
The 17th century diarist Samuel Pepys was responsible for - or I should say gave me the impetus - to start this diary in his style. However, in the diary Tuesday 20th of December 1664 we read that he went to his friend Bagwell at his house, accepted their food and after the meal sent the husband on a false errand while he proceeded to have sex with the wife against her will. He then goes to his...
Creative writing course from the inside
What you may ask is your diarist doing going to a course when everyone else is rushing out to buy things, consume things, standing in lines to buy roasted pork sandwiches, mulled wine and the like. Good luck to these people BUT I was not in 'consumer mode' because <strikes magisterial pose> my dear friends, enemies, adversaries, critics, admirers, and those who don't know me from Adam,...
Welcome to The World of Brian Snellgrove
1,563,662 words across 1,669 articles
Inspired by Samuel Pepys’ Diary 1633-1703