Results for "christian"

Time at my computer + a Boring Film

I just felt like putting in this one. It has no relevance to the article. A fanfare in the face of chaos? I cannot remember living in such exciting times where the stakes are high and getting higher. At stake is the human being with all its glorious creativity and spirituality which is under threat from agents that think that artificial intelligence is enough to run the planet. Each day, there...

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How do we write a book?

Do you write a book or does it write itself? I find that when the time is right, a book will write itself. I have written three books on energy and auras and I wrote from my heart and the whole thing was finished in a month. The book was not up to any scientific or academic purist standard but then it was telling a story of an individual and his discovery of a particular phenomenon. In a way,...

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The wonderful English language- chapter 53 – …inter… + our moral compass

Are we using one word or phrase when another would be more appropriate? The history of inter, a transitive verb is a prefix occurring in loan words from Latin, where it meant “between,” “among,” “in the midst of,” “mutually,” “reciprocally,” “together,” “during” There is a homophone. The history of inter as a verb is also in another category.   "to bury in the earth or a grave," c. 1300,...

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back to 1500 BC + being an even better friend

Yet more 'coincidences' I must be a walking advertisement for the need to follow your intuition because unusually I decided to go to breakfast early at Wetherspoons. It does not start to get busy until about 9:30 on Sunday so I put in my order which most people are trained to give with the utmost brevity. Table 37, freedom breakfast, hot drink. That's all you have to say. I went to the machine...

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A day of doing nothing – is it possible?

An initial  reality check here on what I am actually saying - today Saturday in what used to be called the year of our Lord 2024 I have no formal activity. Nothing in the diary. A great gaping hole. How can I possibly survive without any entry in my diary or a 'to do' list. The brain never stops. There are programs running in the background at all times with hopefully a cessation during the...

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A sunny day in Bath – pictorial visit

Wednesday evening was cold frosty and clear but in spite of that we decided to go to the local gardening club meeting in Ston Easton on the topic of snowdrops. There is a snowdrop festival every February and the events last about a week. This is a picture of the chair lady introducing the speaker who all though saying that she knew very little about the technicalities of growing snowdrops she...

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Welcome to The World of Brian Snellgrove

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Inspired by Samuel Pepys’ Diary 1633-1703

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