Results for "London"

Off to London we go (again)

From just around the corner from our humble abode, we take the 9:37 AM bus to Bath. We take this bus for all our journeys whether it be to South Africa, Singapore, or just down the road to London. Traditionally, we stop off at the Methodist Centre in Manvers Street in Bath to have a coffee and a roll.  Every time I leave home I worry whether I have actually closed the front door and each time I...

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The last day in London – Don McCullin block buster

We packed all our stuff and said goodbye to our host. This time for reasons of speed we took a Northern line tube from Chalk farm station via Euston to Pimlico on the Victoria line and from there a short walk to Tate Britain, cases rumbling as we walked along the street. As we are Tate members, we take delight in going to the members restaurant. It has delightful views over the River Thames. We...

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Escape to South London

It's not really an escape, but South London has a different vibe from central and north London. The pace of life is more leisurely and the proportion of multicultural representatives are much greater. I can see why people have a favourite cafe. We are back for the fourth time to my cafe previously referred to. There is a different energy on a Saturday morning, less frenetic, one of two workers...

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Photographic essay of London part one

So, off to London for a full seven days. Accommodation in London is expensive even with Air B&B so I am grateful to have been offered free accommodation by an old friend of Françoise.  Tuesday we are off to a funeral and are arriving the day before so we can settle in. Our procedure for going anywhere is always the same. We take the 9:38 AM 172 local bus from Wells at the newsagent 100 yards...

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A grand weekend in London

Raw enthusiasm in Trafalgar Square. With so much to do on my return from a busy week in London I've decided not to do a daily diary but a summary of the whole lot. As my regular readers know, we tend to take the coach and it gives me great pleasure to pay £21 return fare Bath to London as opposed to let us say £110 by train for the two of us.  The return journey by coach is 3 hours. By train,...

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London visit Pt. 5 – back to Tate Britain

We rose at 8:30 AM, had a shower, and went to breakfast. Our effervescent Irish friend James was in the breakfast room , about to go off to the hospital for a check on his broken ankle. We found him forever positive and enthusiastic about life. There were three other people people from the Middle East also having breakfast. They ate almost furtively and whispered to each other. They avoided the...

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Welcome to The World of Brian Snellgrove

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Inspired by Samuel Pepys’ Diary 1633-1703

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