Results for "wells"

Elephant cruelty – mysterious properties of electric cords – Wells Moat Boat races

Saturday 27 August 1664 ...Thence to my case-maker for my stone case, and had it to my mind, and cost me 24s., which is a great deale of money, but it is well done and pleases me... Pepys reminds us that he's human and likes to treat himself from time to time.. It must have made a change from dealing with maritime matters So home and find my boy a very schoole boy, that talks innocently and...

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Rare Plant exhibition in Wells

Today Sunday, the day dawned, cloudy and damp. We were in half a mind to stay in and read and so on, but decided that we would go to the Rare Plant exhibition in Wells Cathedral Gardens. Sometimes, things go smoothly and this was no exception. As it happened, the plants were not all that rare but the people who sold them also grew them and it gave great confidence. My wife said she was going to...

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Françoise’s birthday

Very strangely we had no clear idea before today about where we should go particularly to celebrate the birth day by having lunch. Looking through TripAdvisor is all very well but I find myself swayed by the one star and two star reviews who give very measured and reasonable arguments for why they did not enjoy the event. For example one very posh restaurant got a low rating because the...

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Am I the right subject for memory regression?

I went for a session with the practitioner in Glastonbury today to see if there's anything in my past lives that would inhibit my success in this life. I believe in pre-existing contracts not only when you come to this life but binding contracts that may have been made in a previous existence. Although she tried to get me to going to another state of consciousness by for example going down a set...

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The ‘Ultimate Summary’ of what being a Christian requires

From the Editor:  For the first time ever, since I started writing this diary I've come across a piece written by David Sorenson, which if ever an item deserved dissemination this does, because it goes to the root of our very being on this planet and resonates with what I feel 110% First you might like to hear the countervailing argument. In attack on Easter, Biden and the Democrats declare...

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How do we write a book?

Do you write a book or does it write itself? I find that when the time is right, a book will write itself. I have written three books on energy and auras and I wrote from my heart and the whole thing was finished in a month. The book was not up to any scientific or academic purist standard but then it was telling a story of an individual and his discovery of a particular phenomenon. In a way,...

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Welcome to The World of Brian Snellgrove

1,536,142 words across 1,645 articles
Inspired by Samuel Pepys’ Diary 1633-1703

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