Results for "meditation"

Another Amazing day, this time at Glastonbury for the Spring solstice

As we left home for the spring equinox celebrations in Glastonbury, the  rain started. First, in spots and then more continuously. However the overall forecast seemed promising enough if you did not expect sunshine as was the case yesterday Sunday. We arrived about 11am for the midday celebration. It is always pleasant to arrive early before the crowds come. Fairly soon I was tempted to buy a...

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What does it mean to worry (about something)?

I went along to my Vineyard meeting at the Methodist Church, Radstock. Today being the first Sunday of the month,  time is spent on doing good works. This time we were asked to go round the streets giving a bunch of daffodils to passers-by and to appropriately ask them about their faith. We were to tell people that we were with the local church and that we would like to pray for them. I am quite...

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Moving from the church as such

I recently joined a branch of the vine Yard Church in Bath. Meetings take place in a disused Methodist Church in Paulton but recently I went along to a home meeting being a small village about 5 miles from Midsomer Norton. We met on Tuesday. There were eight of us and we met the house of Drew and Tally. The meetings open with prayer and meditation and then someone reads from the Bible and we...

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Mobile phones – neutrinos and everything

  BJ – these neutrinos are like a whole new world. JB – I did tell you BJ -I am addicted to it. It has exercised the minds of the greatest people including Einstein and you can’t see the dammed thing. BJ I don’t understand how when they travel, they morph into something different, different flavors etc. It also asks the question ‘what is stability?’. It could be death, or a motion of...

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The destruction of our planet – ssshhh – don’t tell anyone

My over-riding pre-occupation  is watching the orchestrated destruction of our planet by various underhand and nefarious means. the plans have been going on since the agreement in Rio, Brazil, in 1992.  The latest and most under-estimated method is by geo-engineering. I am watching as  I type. The 'one in 1000 years' drought or 'one in a thousand deluge' can only happen by premeditation and the...

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So many things to do

I am listening to a Finnish video "Something in the air - The cell phone radiation documentary".  Youtube have an evil way of keeping our attention. They keep a record of all that we have watched and tempt us to continue by introducing videos in the same genre. There are normally 8 hours in a working day. Mine are - on and off - about 10 hours most of which are spent in front of the computer. ...

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