Results for "cheddar"

Spring arrives in full glory in Somerset – pictorial diary

I awoke early, about 7:30 AM, to find a bright blue sky with no clouds. We have not been to our regular haunt for many months, the famous Cheddar Car Boot event, which is open every Sunday rain or shine as they say. Having said that, it's much more fun and more interesting to go when it is not raining so you can see some of the hundreds of tables laid out with people trying to get rid of their...

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The day the GPS got it wrong

My faithful TomTom GPS has seldom let me down traveling in Australia, Sri Lanka, South Africa, parts of Europe, Ireland but in this fairly remote corner of Somerset it met its match. But more of that later. Today we decided on a real break from the exigencies of everyday life and decided to go to one of the largest car boot sales in the UK, the Cheddar car boot . I have written about it before...

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Eat breakfast like a King… Latte or Lartte?

 “Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper”. They say that when you get older, you tend to eat less. I can't say I've noticed. The world of calories is still a closed book to me. I freely admit that I eat too fast and too much. The problem is that I enjoy it. There now, confession over and it's only eight o'clock in the morning. What does strike me however is the...

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Sunday Pt. 2 – the local Cider and Ale Barn

We discovered this jewel about four years ago and it is now part of our Sunday routine when we go to the boot sale in Cheddar. (see previous entry). It is not a 'pub' but an 'import' from somewhere like Australia. The Cider Barn is presided over by the ever characterful Jason who works the most horrendous hours and is universally liked by the mixed clientele that appear at the door.  Cyclists,...

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pictorial Somerset – anti-aircraft gun for sale, and Koi

This was the last afternoon with our friends so in spite of an impeding rainstorm we decided to set off for various venues. I normally sit down at the computer with all the alternatives and feel my way through the journey. If I get a positive feeling I make the decision with confidence and I always find if I trust my intuition we get a good result. This is particularly important if other people...

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a good sales tip – you never know who you are talking to

An old garden customer rang me this morning asking if I could do some work for her. It was just a bit of grass cutting and tidying, not something I could charge a lot for. in the gardening business, there is no such thing as a fixed price. We charge according to the difficulty of the job, how much we like the customer, their circumstances as we sum them up to be, the distance from home, the...

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