Results for "philosophy"

A day to re-constitute my mind

Agorism is a social philosophy that advocates creating a society in which all relations between people are voluntary exchanges by means of counter-economics, engaging with aspects of nonviolent revolution. I know it's a strange word but it does summer exactly what I want to attain. I think we have to become independent of the financial system as far as we can. Today we went to a talk by a...

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Good ‘ol fashioned religion

I normally get up about 7 AM to make coffee and my slice of toast, which starts the day. I have a choice of either switching on BBC1 as I may need to see the weather forecast but I decided to listen instead to my favourite religious radio station, Trans-World Radio. Christianity is virtually ignored by the BBC in preference to grovelling to Middle East religions and it is refreshing to hear the...

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A meeting that nearly did not work for me

This morning I went along to High Lyttleton to join in a meeting to discuss what we wanted from our new vicar who is going to preside over our benefice. A benefice is where a vicar looks after more than one church in this case three but sometimes it is up to 7 churches. The era of one vicar per church is largely over. I do not think I'm ready geared to behave at meetings. This one was held in...

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Home renovations – chapter 1

My wife and I do not spend money on anything unless we have to so our resources go on the normal basics, the occasional meal out, entertainment if we feel like it and the dreaded council tax which gets bigger every year. We do not however pay huge amounts for mortgages or rents. Today, the renovation that we had been talking about for a year or so has come about. We have replaced the dreadful...

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A stoic contact

I renewed acquaintance with Barry, an affable chap I met at a talk on 5G a couple of weeks ago. We seemed to be on the same wavelength. He described himself as a stoic. Stoicism goes back to Greek philosophy and claims that the path to happiness for humans is found in accepting the moment as it presents itself by not allowing oneself to be controlled by the desire for pleasure or fear of pain....

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Winter visits us

I'm on a new course of mitochondria repair. It involves taking six tablets twice a day. The technique is supposed to reverse the effect of ageing,  to reverse the state of health that started to degrade when we were 16 years of age or thereabouts.   I have no idea if it will work but I tend to trust the professional person who told me about the medication and therefore from whom I made the...

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Inspired by Samuel Pepys’ Diary 1633-1703

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