Results for "glastonbury"

Glastonbury Tor revisited as the autumn equinox is celebrated

There is nothing like getting your timing right and listening to inspiration. Inspiration has a timed element to it in other words if you get inspired to do something and you say to yourself that you will do it later, things do not work in the way you expect it to. I say, trust the universe. I went on to People per last night at about 5pm to find someone to help me design a leaflet for...

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Glastonbury in the off-season

I personally think that Glastonbury is over the top as a place to live but it is never never boring and has its full quota of weird and strange characters. It is well known worldwide and some say it is the heart chakra of the Earth. I'm not sure if it ever has an 'off' season. I went to see Bee, Priestess Bee Helygen as she calls herself, very well qualified in psychic development, past life...

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Glastonbury at Hallowe’en

To Chalice Well for the celebration of Samhain. I did not expect many people but actually quite a few turned up, about 150 I would say, and the ladies as usual made a special attempt to dress up. As usual, there was a log fire in the middle of the green at the bottom of the property. This is the focal point for fellowship. I'm sometimes tempted to have a chat with all and sundry but this time I...

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A twinned toilet – Celebrating ‘fruition’ at Glastonbury

So here we are, back in Chalice Well, Glastonbury, for a celebration of one of the pagan festivals of the year, 'fruition' I find an unfailing and consistent atmosphere of Fellowship and openness, giving an example to the world how we should live all the time. I had some interesting meetings here.  I observed a man doing yoga exercises on the lawn above the well. I spoke to him saying that maybe...

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Summer Solstice – a crowded Glastonbury – vaccines

Just for a change, I wake to a clear blue sky.  It is still cold though. I was listening to a rare attempt on BBC today radio program to present both sides of the vaccine argument. Of course they ended off on a skeptical note, 'science versus belief' not mentioning that most of the quoted studies are industry funded. The name Andrew Wakefield came up. He was vilified for daring to associate the...

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Spring solstice in Glastonbury + another unexpected revelation

Each and every time I visit Chalice Well I always come away with an unexpected blessing. This happened in two parts. I met a lady who I last met two years ago called Elizabeth Lovely and she is indeed true to her name. I picked up where I had left off when we last met her, which was at a creative writing group in Bath. She is in the habit of taking people on trips to Morocco and is currently...

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