Results for "cheddar"

Lock-down Day One

After last evening's bombshell by the Prime Minister we are informed that we must stay at home and only go out for exceptional reasons.  It is a question how the British public will respond to this.  First of all, we don't have nearly enough police to enforce everything.  Tomorrow, I'm going to pick up a replacement Volvo car (2001 vintage)  from Trowbridge, which is 15 miles away from where I...

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5G demonstration – a screaming child

Today is the first International Day of Protest against 5G. There was a planned demonstration in Bristol on College Green so after some procrastination, we decided to go. Bristol is hopeless for parking so we did our usual thing and caught the 376 bus from Farrington Gurney to Bristol bus station. On the way, we popped into an art shop, almost evangelical in its approach. As you will see from...

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Living a spontaneous life – it works

On Sundays, I don't have a fixed idea of what should be done but just let places float through my mind until one jumps at me. En route, the same thing should happen. When I feel like jumping off the intended route and going to investigate something. We always meet interesting people and it is a very stressfree activity. So, with my sister and brother-in-law, we have another cloudless day so we...

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The Tommy Cooper of salesmanship

So, we took our friend to a fairly muted version of the normal Cheddar car boot market and incidentally recorded the rather anxious bleating of sheep who had been separated from their lambs. They have recently put up the price for cars from £1 to £2 so maybe some people will be put off coming but after some months I think they will get used to it. Now look, I don't use the name of Tommy Cooper...

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A church-less day – Glasto to be blasted by 5G – ideas galore

Yesterday I went to my men's group evening. We were reminded that each person is a part of the jigsaw puzzle of life and we should all share. For the first time, the Curry evening event was open to ladies and there were about 35 people there I think. I do notice that men are unwilling to come out of their shells beyond talking about the normal everyday things. Maybe religion is outside the...

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A day with nothing in the diary

I pride myself on having a number of different aspects of my life on the go at any one time. However,  I have come to the conclusion that this is not always a good idea or indeed not necessary. People in so-called "primitive societies" do not have to-do lists. They just automatically and organically and almost instinctively respond to what is needed without having been given notice.   Perhaps,...

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Inspired by Samuel Pepys’ Diary 1633-1703

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