Results for "christian"

Just finished my 10th ZOOM meeting this week

Slowly but surely I am adapting to life without many real social contacts. I guess we have to survive to live but whether it is a good thing is questionable. Am I over adapting? I look forward to the meetings and each have a different flavour. Today's was about lockdown - if the benefits outweigh the costs. Others were on covid (my regular ZOOM meeting), one on consciousness and spirituality,...

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A ghastly Christmas card

  I thought I had seen it all. This is a Christian card or I suppose it is. I cannot describe in how many ways this is in bad taste. I wont say who sent the card. We had an idea today that if the winter is severe and there are power cuts we would offer our bungalow as a 'day centre' as gas central heating would not work so our log fire would come into its own. Some would not come due to...

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Gaining friends, losing friends

Being involved in anything controversial will mean an inner paradigm shift. This means that those who have been comfortable listening to you and being with you previously will now change their view. Says a correspondent: I've lost many friends over the past months. And I've gained many friends - among them our zoom group. I love you all!!! A Sufi saying: The heart weeps for what it has lost, and...

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Too much, too much to do

Today, I been aware of all the things that I would love to do in just don't have time for stop this afternoon, a book arrived called power versus force which is to do with energy. It is so fascinating I'm through the first 3 chapters and cannot wait to read more. In the earlier morning I read a deep and timely SAINT GERMAIN  (Channeled by James McConnell) talking about the world seen from the...

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Looking about us anxiously – how to save £7,068

As many of you know I like to start my day with Trans World Radio. I listen and wait for a phrase or text to jump out at me. The above phrase did. I spend more time than I should do doing just this, to zero benefit as things always turn out as they should do. Instead of 'looking about' I should substitute 'prayer'. The past couple of days have been worrying. Many said that Trump was going to...

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Unexpected playtime with a drain cleaner + an unexpected loss of five teeth

Today we are going to try and achieve two gardening jobs, both maintenance, both pleasant enough - and regular income. We went to our first one at about 11 o'clock. The lady who we see, she must be 90 to a day, had not yet risen so we had to wait a little bit for her to get up. I decided to go walkaround the local streets and what do I see but a drain cleaning wagon. I love these. I love seeing...

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Welcome to The World of Brian Snellgrove

1,536,824 words across 1,646 articles
Inspired by Samuel Pepys’ Diary 1633-1703

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October 2024