Results for "bristol"

My first Communion for goodness knows how many years

Enthusiastic followers of my diary will note that I reported gleefully that I went to church for the first time for years last Sunday and decided to repeat the process today for what turned out to be a combined service with the adjacent parishes. I entered the church at 10 minutes to the hour to find an enthusiastic crowd of about 20 people talking animatedly amongst themselves. And why not say...

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Biggest time wasters in the world – part one

I wrote yesterday about how I filled my day when I had no obligations. Today is similar save a visit to buy some glass for the front of my stove. I think it cracked because I allowed a log to rest against the glass and it was too much. I read the rather sad story about the YouTube pop Idol Logan Paul who has been banned from monetizing his sites because he featured a place that was popular...

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Two remarkable films – WeiWei and Paddington 2

On a miserable,  cold and rainy day why bother to sit on the 376 bus to Bristol? Two very good reasons. I seem to have quite a good, in fact very good, inner guidance system. When I read about films, plays, places to go, the right item jumps out at me and I know I have to comply. Well, perhaps 'comply' is too strong a word. Let us say I'm strongly attracted to going to the event concerned. The...

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Interaction with my readers – the SS Great Britain

I'm coming up to my 250th diary entry now and nearly up to 300,000 words. I'm quite intrigued by the lack of response when I know that sometimes I'm being quite controversial in what I say. I was quite delighted therefore to come across on Facebook a comment on my article on rape "so called rape allegations" A person who knew me responded robustly. "I’m left a bit speechless by this. Appalling...

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Debate – Package holidays vs Do It Yourself

This is an extremely long and detailed discussion of the merits of package holidays versus making your own arrangements and is aimed at anyone who has pondered the many advertisements offering travel to exotic parts of the world or perhaps nearer home. I am focusing on the hotel H10 that I can heartily recommend, that is if you can get in.  It seems to be booked solid for most of the year. If...

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The spiritual significance of Singapore

It is impossible to sum up this ex-British territory, this strategic trading post in one blast but I will do my best in so far as the role of the Christian church is concerned. This is what has drawn me in in recent weeks. It is refreshing to find a part of the world where the Christian faith is growing. You will of course not read this in the newspapers that are dedicated to either propaganda...

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Welcome to The World of Brian Snellgrove

1,536,824 words across 1,646 articles
Inspired by Samuel Pepys’ Diary 1633-1703

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October 2024