Results for "glastonbury"

Another Amazing day, this time at Glastonbury for the Spring solstice

As we left home for the spring equinox celebrations in Glastonbury, the  rain started. First, in spots and then more continuously. However the overall forecast seemed promising enough if you did not expect sunshine as was the case yesterday Sunday. We arrived about 11am for the midday celebration. It is always pleasant to arrive early before the crowds come. Fairly soon I was tempted to buy a...

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Winter Solstice at Glastonbury

So today is the winter solstice whereby tradition we go to chalice well in Wells. This time there were many people there, about 200 I would say, and at midday we all gathered round the well itself which had been dressed first thing in the morning with the most beautiful flowers and with the greatest amount of love. I wish all the world was like chalice gardens. You can speak to anyone else...

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Glastonbury – Beltane and more on this Mayday (not M’aidez)

The celebrations started at sunrise or what would have been sunrise had we been able to see it. Dancing round the maypole and the like started 7.30 am. Celebrations were held all over the town. We arrived about 9.30 am. We were joined by a visiting friend from Peterborough.  Sometimes you meet people and there is an obvious 'click'. You have not met them before but they are familiar to you. No...

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A medieval day in Glastonbury

The recipe for an enjoyable day out is lovely sunny weather, the right surroundings - in this case the historical ruins of Glastonbury Abbey, an interesting theme and a bunch of intelligent aware people as punters. The atmosphere was free and joyful with barely a mask in sight. There were archers' and jousting demonstrations, plus many stands devoted to making clothes and producing food the old...

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Beltane celebrated at Chalice Well, Glastonbury

Today is Beltane otherwise known as mayday the 1st of May we are off to Glastonbury in general and chalice well in particular to celebrate. Many people particularly the ladies come bedecked with flowers in their hair. Men bring along their wizard sticks. I had a number of wonderful conversations with strangers as you do. Chatting goes down well as we are on the same wavelength I met two young...

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The day of the great conjunction/winter solstice – but Glastonbury town has changed

As all students of the esoteric will know, this is a great day for conjunctions apart from being the winter solstice. There is only one place to be which does not involve a lot of traveling and that is Glastonbury to which we set our sights on, arriving at 11 o'clock in the morning where people were gathered in some numbers to celebrate in their own way. As I have said many times this is a place...

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