Results for "London"

Day 2 – The changing face of London

For this journey I'm going to focus on the images that I took on the grounds that one picture is worth a thousand words but I will also do a summary of the day. As if the normal busy sunny day traffic was not enough we had to suffer from a Palestinian protest outside the Houses of Parliament. Françoise decided to take the number 24 bus to the Mall Gallery to save her legs but I decided to walk....

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Day 1 – London in the spring

I chose the bus leaving from Bristol at 13.00 to give us plenty of time to rise at a leisurely rate to catch the 172 to Bristol and have a decent breakfast. You will find a community cafe just outside Bristol bus station. What is not obvious is that it is part of a building that was a priory and has a rich history going back a few centuries. Some people working at the cafe have learning...

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Bristol to London for less than a cup of coffee

The satisfaction of advance planning If there's one thing I enjoy, it is advance planning. I make most of my plans for the main spine of my activities weeks before the event and that includes imagining what might go wrong and making corrections before I ever set foot on public transport or step in my car. I'm going to visit my sister in Croydon, London, in April and today is the time for booking...

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The Ultimate guide to travel between Bristol/Bath and London – from £2.49

Getting from A to B as cheaply as possible For most of my life I have not been in a good financial situation and have had to live hand to mouth. Now circumstances have changed thank goodness but the habits of not spending money when I don't have to, have remained. This article is dedicated to all those who have to watch the pennies as we say and the principles apply to anyone traveling anywhere....

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A visit to London by the sea (Brighton)

    We took a train at 10:45 from East Croydon directly to Brighton. I remember the old days when the Brighton Belle was a prestigious train that served a three course meal on the way down. I don't know how long the original journey took but my guess is that the present journey would not give enough time on less orders were taken before the train started. Brighton station is uniquely...

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Tourist mini-guide to London

I would now like to give some general advice about traveling in London. I have lived in London for over 50 years and I know it's ways. It is a cosmopolitan city where members of different races get on very well here it don't believe what you read in the mainstream Media. There are occasional disagreements but people learn that in order to survive they need to be polite and respectful of others....

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