Results for "bath"

A multi coloured day – Rockaway Park -Frome Carnival

Finding professional help I continue my search for a suitable helper for developing this website. I thought I would try People per Hour  ( which is a site that many professionals use to get help by the hour. It is interesting how many people do not read the brief before applying.  My brief specifically said that I want someone from Somerset  here in the United Kingdom as it is...

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Ticket splitting and weeds

Bargain Fares? We are contemplating a trip to London in November so yesterday I went to Bath  rail station to look at the cost of two tickets return and with a rail card  the price quoted was £92 Today I  visited a ticket splitting site and I got the same journey for two people for £60 total.  The idea should be self-explanatory but it means that you can combine two separate journeys into one,...

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The deft hands of my ophthalmologist and other stories

Being wonderfully treated by a professional I love the English language in all its beauty and when I was having my eye injection I used a word that I have not used for as long as I can remember which is the word 'deft'.  When did you the reader last use that word? Maybe because there are so few deft actions. Deft actions are defined as  characterized by facility and skill, for example the...

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Snapshots of a journey to London Day 7/8

Day 1   Day 2    Day 3    Day 4    Day 5    Day 6    Day 7    Day 8 Today Saturday is the day when we  plan to rendezvous with our friend Ewa.   She lives in the far north of London and distances/times are greater especially if you live some way away from a subway. We agreed to  meet at 2:30 by Kentish Town overground station as opposed to Kentish Town West as opposed to Kentish Town subway....

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Snapshots of a journey to London Day 1/8

Up early as usual and after an uneventful bus ride we decide to eat something in one of the cafes adjacent to Bath bus station. We were greeted by this rather nice display of flowers in the main shopping centre. It is easy to spend quite a lot on breakfast. I had a croisant and coffee and Françoise had the equivalent.  Next to us, two ladies were waiting for their portion of hot breakfast. When...

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99p pint, The Sahara, New York being destroyed, dieting

I have just (7.30 am) stopped listening to a very action-packed thrill packed news bulletin from TalkTV with David Bull and doctor Renee.  They are at the top of their form  and addressing such things as lockdown benefits and otherwise, how could someone have escaped from a medium security prison and why was he there in the first place,  was it an inside job?...just the sort of thing to start my...

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