Results for "London"

More thoughts on peace + more on conversation

Peace is not stasis. Peace is not 'doing nothing'. Peace is active, a dynamic.  We have a choice of two vectors, and only two. We can either do things to bring people together, or we can do things to cause people  to move apart. This is the core of what it means for us as human beings with free will. We can think of the idea of a moral compass. In other words what are our priorities? A clue is...

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Seeing the doctor – Internet Style – will it work?

As of Monday 4th of December 2023 our local surgery is changing how we access appointments and advice. They tell us that we will become a digital triage based appointment system which involves a new online consultation system which allows you to complete a short online form about your symptoms or concerns which will be triaged by a clinician. So far so good. I had a look at the current website...

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Wellow in the rain – How are decisions made?

Today is Sunday, my local evangelical church service is not taking place but in Bath so I shall  not to be going there this morning. Surprise surprise it is raining, not heavily, but rain nevertheless so what to write about today? Prelude - rain in Wellow Wellow  is a small village to whom we have become attached over the past few years.  A little further there are stables for horses and a...

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Throwing beloved things away – rogue gardeners – the shock of being thanked

Does my bag  need a burial ceremony? To the casual eye, this looks like a scruffy old bag but to me it is much more than that. I bought it in Boston, Ma, USA in about 1995. It has served me well traveling to Sri Lanka, Singapore. Australia, South Africa (20 times), the United States and Canada, not to mention my travels in Europe. It has a wonderful combination of a lot of pockets as well as...

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Clocks back- Sunny Sunday morning

Times they are a changing Courtesy of the change to our time to GMT we were 'gifted' with an extra hour in bed this morning. I always go through a mild existential questioning when I ask if the clock has gone backwards or forwards. Of course we will pay for it this evening but I think that's livable with. Why I write my diary, nth iteration I've decided to mention on a regular basis the...

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Synchronicity Symposium Part 2 – reflections

  I have just had three hours of collective listening to three very good speakers and I have just left the afternoon session 60% of the way through because my head is bursting with ideas and the text for today's diary. Following on the statement made by Catherine of Genoa a few days ago I feel that I am a monist. Monism is a theory or doctrine that denies the existence of a distinction of...

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Welcome to The World of Brian Snellgrove

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Inspired by Samuel Pepys’ Diary 1633-1703

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