Results for "wells"

not quite your typical Valentine’s Day schedule

  We decided to celebrate Valentine's Day by having a breakfast at our favourite restaurant in the middle of nowhere, Hartley's cafe bistro. Unfortunately I woke up very stiff in my ribs from my hitherto referred to accident but undaunted we set off and arrived shortly after 9 AM. We had requested a table next to the blazing wood fire which always adds so much to the atmosphere.  Françoise...

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One of the most unfortunately run social events I have experienced

We decided to go on impulse to the local Valley Arts Centre meeting which had as its subject a talk by a BBC wildlife producer, and the young lady dubbed  Bird Girl who due to very fortunate parents with plenty of time and money to spare had introduced her to wildlife around the world. At the age of 16 she is probably a more traveled person than most adults. Surely a treat which for the most...

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piles and piles of books

I knew the day had come. My obsessive desire for buying books, it is so obsessive as I realise I bought the same of the book 3 times. They were in rough order at first but now it is so difficult to find them, searching through about 1000 brightly coloured book covers. I almost need a team of trained librarians to come and help me. The two big piles in the middle illustrated above are what I call...

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Shambolic Carnival grinds to a halt

Folks I do not often rant and rave to the local paper but in this case the feeling was viscreal. We had our annual Midsomer Norton Carnival.  This is my impression of 'Disguisted of Tunbridge Wells'. Although the weather was not very clement, my wife and I decided to go along and support the local Carnival.   The first vehicle made its appearance at a little after 8:15, later than advertised,...

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Life and death

I came across this video today and have no hesitation in putting it in my diary. It is armistice weekend where such matters are topical to put it mildly. Near Death Experience. PRIVATE JET CRUSH SURVIVOR. MEETS GOD. Skydiver Mickey Robinson. Heaven & Hell. On a thoroughly wet Saturday morning - off to Wells. In the precincts of the Cathedral, a chance for the public to 'plant' their own...

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The unloved and uncared for

Today's is a photo essay, originating from my visit to the Frome Festival which includes lots of elements of art or should I say the arts. This time, I have decided to focus on the unlovely, the uncared for, the abandoned, the useless.and now to some more artistic art.Frome at its best is a wonderful sparkly intellectual town, a bit less snobby than Wells, and with enough entertainment to keep...

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Welcome to The World of Brian Snellgrove

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Inspired by Samuel Pepys’ Diary 1633-1703

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