Results for "bristol"

My car key successfully cut

I finally met Lee the locksmith with whom I had been having quite an SMS dialogue in Sainsbury's car park, which also happens to be the car park of the Black Castle pub in Brislington Bristol. He found me fairly easily by driving around. I could tell it was him because his van was completely devoid of signage but there was a huge lock on the side. If anyone is reading this from the Bristol or...

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An air of inevitability

I was out of sorts today because I feel that the forces against us are so completely uncaring and ruthless. However, I was cheered up by a video that I recorded today about 160 doctors who had got together at a ZOOM meeting and decided that if any vaccines were introduced within a year they would be decidedly unhappy about its safety. I have never seen a group of doctors getting together for...

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The Mendip hills in their ancient glory

Apart from the more well-known caves like Wookey Hole, which is near Blagdon there are the Mendip caving group, sensibly located since there are many caves round and about.  Since the weather forecast was mixed, we were not sure whether to go out today at all but on balance we needed to escape from our house, not that we don't like it, but that we need a change of scenery and some fresh air....

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An active day – the insanity continues – more rain

I'm getting used to my new car now or maybe its getting used to me. It's driving smoother and I'm getting the idea that merely touching the gas pedal is necessary in order for it to go forward. It does not require much encouragement since it is a turbo. It is most difficult to get a  spare key for this almost 20 year old car. I talked to a chap in Bristol who thinks he might be able to do it but...

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Getting married in New Orleans

In spite of all the depressing fear-making material about the coronavirus, the dreadful weather, nonsense about climate change (the climate is always changing!) each day is a new day full of potential. My only problem is that when the sun comes out, the light is very bright and I'm going to have to start wearing dark glasses and we are barely into March. Wetherspoon's is a lively place at the...

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Greta comes to town – my childhood

Earlier this week, the George Soros funded and programmed Greta Thunberg announced by text that she was coming over to UK to relate to the kids and take part in what turned out to be a march culminating in a speech at Palace Green in Bristol.  When I heard about it, I prayed for bad weather to keep the numbers down because I hate seeing attempted brainwashing by this ignorant girl who has no...

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Welcome to The World of Brian Snellgrove

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Inspired by Samuel Pepys’ Diary 1633-1703

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October 2024