Results for "bath"

Disposophobia – fear of throwing things away

I must have this condition because I find it almost impossible to throw things away. Today I assembled all my clothes in the living room. Apart from underwear and socks I have many vests including thermal vests, about 15 serviceable shirts, 15 T-shirts, 6 jerseys and numerous tops for going out in various weather conditions plus various trousers for summer and winter use, plus casual trousers...

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Zoom vs real life meetings. Is it either/or?

Before i start, here is the River Avon in full flood in Bath. Today I went to my normal Sunday service and gathering at the Vineyard Church in Radstock. Normally we go round and do things in the community but today it was decided that we devote our time to prayer for the world and for the community about us. Everyone asked everybody else if they'd had a good Christmas and they all said yes. I...

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You can never tell who you are going to meet

The Methodist Bacon butty morning We went along to the bacon butty morning which is held every other Saturday at the Methodist Church in Westfield about which I have written a few times. This was my fourth visit and I found the atmosphere as informal and friendly as ever. People are welcome to come irrespective of their belief in religion or attendance at church. It really is inclusive and...

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Replete vs. stuffed + a sunny respite + FLOOD SPECIAL

Our good friend from Ireland had sent us some Christmas money for chocolates and wine. We decided to modify the term of reference slightly and go and have a meal which we did today at Paul's kitchen. This is presided over by Paul Hartley about whom we have written on many occasions. He is one of the world's natural hosts and always greets us as long lost friends as I suppose we are in a way. I...

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A faltering start to the New Year + an unusual website

Last night we watched TV end of year stuff; the usual 'best of 2023', nostalgic compilation videos of this personality or that, this time Ronnie Corbett, but far too much Freddie Mercury and Queen. I'm glad to say the threat of wind or rain did not put off the  brilliant firework display on the London Embankment. After this we went quietly to bed. I am still in floating mode and taking advantage...

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Being kind to yourself + polymath vs linguist

We are not creatures in a treadmill and we should not treat ourselves as such. Yesterday I returned from a one week's holiday in London mainly to be together with my sister and give her some support on the physical level as she is in her mid 80s and like all of us older ones the body doesn't do exactly what you want it to do. I decided to have an extra day's 'holiday' and the more I thought...

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Welcome to The World of Brian Snellgrove

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Inspired by Samuel Pepys’ Diary 1633-1703

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October 2024