Results for "London"

Barrett’s esophagus + making decisions

Barrett's esophagus - what is it? I will go short of saying that I would not wish this on my worst enemy. For those of you who do not know, there is a little flap in the esophagus that stops acid coming up into the throat. When this flap is shall we say lazy or only partly effective, the acids of the stomach which are strong as they have to be make themselves known through an unpleasant bloating...

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My Somerset Life by Brian Snellgrove

My Somerset LifeBrian SnellgroveClick below to select a topic or search by keywordLatest EntriesWelcome to My Somerset LifeA dairy by Brian Snellgrove words across articles Inspired by Samuel Pepys' Diary 1633-1703

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A sunny day in Bath – pictorial visit

Wednesday evening was cold frosty and clear but in spite of that we decided to go to the local gardening club meeting in Ston Easton on the topic of snowdrops. There is a snowdrop festival every February and the events last about a week. This is a picture of the chair lady introducing the speaker who all though saying that she knew very little about the technicalities of growing snowdrops she...

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What are our intentions ? Do we really listen?

The word 'intent' is about purpose. It was used from the early 13th century and comes from the old French entente, which means the goal, the purpose. This comes from the Latin 'intentus', which means a stretching out, leaning towards. In the sense of having the mind 'fixed upon something' the use was from about 1600 AD Let's look at the use of this word in current English " he listened intently...

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In praise of Wetherspoons

Who can this be at this time of the morning? The day started in an unusual fashion. We were lounging in bed as one does on a Saturday morning and at about nine o'clock the doorbell rang. I hastily assembled myself in some sort of decent order and peered out of the front door to be greeted with an immaculately dressed nurse coming on a home visit. Was I dreaming? Was this a message from another...

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A faltering start to the New Year + an unusual website

Last night we watched TV end of year stuff; the usual 'best of 2023', nostalgic compilation videos of this personality or that, this time Ronnie Corbett, but far too much Freddie Mercury and Queen. I'm glad to say the threat of wind or rain did not put off the  brilliant firework display on the London Embankment. After this we went quietly to bed. I am still in floating mode and taking advantage...

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Welcome to The World of Brian Snellgrove

1,536,824 words across 1,646 articles
Inspired by Samuel Pepys’ Diary 1633-1703

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October 2024