Results for "christian"

Flying at 30,000 feet – sanity – Gossip – SMN ZOOM meet

[tta_listen_btn] View of the aircraft wing above the clouds at sunrise. My Christian friend and colleague David has done it again. What has he 'done'? He was there and present for me. As I mentioned yesterday he has to put up with my utterings and ramblings but I don't think he realises how much inspiration is released in my consciousness when "two or three are gathered together in My Name".  ...

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Encouragement and St. Paul, stomach problems and other matters

I attended the morning service of the Vineyard group at the old Radstock Methodist Church.  I never know what I'm going to meet or more importantly what is going to happen when I go in the door. There were about ten people when I arrived but as many again came in time for the morning service which started around 10:30 I started talking to someone about how they were, and after the usual...

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A multi coloured day – Rockaway Park -Frome Carnival

Finding professional help I continue my search for a suitable helper for developing this website. I thought I would try People per Hour  ( which is a site that many professionals use to get help by the hour. It is interesting how many people do not read the brief before applying.  My brief specifically said that I want someone from Somerset  here in the United Kingdom as it is...

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A past memory from 50 years ago

This evening I attended a Scientific and Medical Network ZOOM meeting concerning my mentor Fr. Andrew Glazewski, a catholic, who passed away 50 years ago.  He was the person who unstintingly gave his time and energy to me as a fledgling dowser and healer.   You can read more about this on this site. I was one of the few at a meeting of 70 people who had met him let alone worked with him and I...

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Just another coffee morning?

I awoke to a rather miserable looking day and sure enough the rain started to fall. The prevailing winds from the Atlantic had bought us a blessing in the form of rain but it is not always seen that way. I have not been to my coffee morning at All Saints Church in Paulton for some weeks now mainly because I have not been around. I decided to go because I didn't want to get too much out of touch...

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Snapshots of a journey to London Day 7/8

Day 1   Day 2    Day 3    Day 4    Day 5    Day 6    Day 7    Day 8 Today Saturday is the day when we  plan to rendezvous with our friend Ewa.   She lives in the far north of London and distances/times are greater especially if you live some way away from a subway. We agreed to  meet at 2:30 by Kentish Town overground station as opposed to Kentish Town West as opposed to Kentish Town subway....

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Welcome to The World of Brian Snellgrove

1,536,142 words across 1,645 articles
Inspired by Samuel Pepys’ Diary 1633-1703

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October 2024