Results for "christian"

Let’s Hear It for free flowing conversation!

Today in the Vineyard Church, We had what we call 'Super Sunday' which is a funny name for informal meeting and talking, with entertainment for the children but for adults to meet in small groups as they wish and converse not only about matters of faith but about how they have been getting on. We do have complete strangers coming along with their children and for them I suppose you could call it...

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Dealing with the media – What is a good person?

News, news Just when you thought the news couldn't get any worse, it does. I switched on the TV early, 07:10 actually, and apparently the Israelis have given the main hospital one hour to get everybody out and go to the south of the Gaza area. This includes people who are physically unable to get up from their beds. They have to walk in single file and this includes patients and doctors a...

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A domestic morning – A Dummy’s Guide on staying sane

I seldom spend money on myself but I made an exception and bought a hot water bottle with a difference. I find it a relaxant to have a hot water bottle against my spine at night. This one does the job. If you think this is a bit bizarre, why not try putting a hot water bottle as I have described and see if it makes any difference. NB Any resemblance to a snake is purely coincidental.  I got it...

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Standing Steadfast – describing your friends – healing – a film from Bhutan

I attended our Christian study group last evening and the topic was Israel, particularly the history of Israel going back to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob from 2000 BC. I don't see how anyone can understand the current position unless you make an examination in general of the tensions in the Middle East, and when they were caused, previous incursions by Israel onto its neighboring Palestine, who set...

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What is a friendship?

Is it easy or difficult to make a friend? We can certainly make acquaintances. We can certainly talk across the garden fence. We can exchange our opinions of the weather, the political situation, and can give reports about our health,  but what about being accepted at a deep level? In other words 'knowing' that you are a friend. What about feeling co-existential with the universe when you are...

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An action-packed weekend part 2 + Rockaway Park and a farm bonfire.

'The policy is too stupid to be stupid'.  I love this quote that I have just heard from  Charles Henner via the exuberant Greg Hunter's  In other words, if it does not make logical sense then there is a hidden hand  that controls for motives other  than the claimed reason. Also - It is pretty much a full time job watching the West writing its own suicide note, as Kathy Gyngell...

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Welcome to The World of Brian Snellgrove

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Inspired by Samuel Pepys’ Diary 1633-1703

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