
Nature and humanity – what are the secrets of growth?

Nature has been around for far longer than when human kind first stepped on the earth and it will be here far longer than us if we degrade ourselves or destroy ourselves in some war or another. You would have thought that's through observing the laws of nature we would learn lessons that could somehow influence our behavior. Anyone working on the land, allotments or gardens will relate to what...

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some thoughts … Astrology considered. Also re Anxiety

I have had an on-off relationship with astrology for as long as I can remember. One of the best readings I ever had was with someone who assisted in the vetting of American troops. Every single thing he mentioned was spot-on including weaknesses and strengths of character. He had never met me, and the only thing he had was my birthday details. C G Jung on astrology "Understood in terms of his...

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Synchronicity Symposium Part 2 – reflections

  I have just had three hours of collective listening to three very good speakers and I have just left the afternoon session 60% of the way through because my head is bursting with ideas and the text for today's diary. Following on the statement made by Catherine of Genoa a few days ago I feel that I am a monist. Monism is a theory or doctrine that denies the existence of a distinction of...

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Can we make a difference?

There is always a feeling that 'I am one among so many so what difference can I make?' The point is that the right person at the right time saying the right thing or doing the right thing can make a big difference. Think of Rosa Parks refusing to give up her seat on the bus. Unbeknown to her, the conditions were just right for a rebellion against domination by white people in America, or about...

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Inspired by Samuel Pepys’ Diary 1633-1703

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October 2024