I have just had three hours of collective listening to three very good speakers and I have just left the afternoon session 60% of the way through because my head is bursting with ideas and the text for today's diary. Following on the statement made by Catherine of Genoa a few days ago I feel that I am a monist. Monism is a theory or doctrine that denies the existence of a distinction of...
Can we Trust anyone?
Prelude - I love this headline and the feisty nun, 'Way to go!' Video: Nun tackles male climate extremist trying to disrupt Catholic religious center construction in France: 'The Giants need to draft her' What is a Legal Trust? A trust is a legal arrangement for managing assets. There are different types of trusts and they are taxed differently. In a trust, assets are held and managed by one...
Reflections on 45 years of gardening
[tta_listen_btn] Memories of 45 years of gardening Today at 11:00 we trimmed a hedge for a local resident. I always enjoy doing hedges if only to see the improvement of its appearance after my efforts. For this we were paid £50. I do not need the money but I need to be compensated from my effort. Why do I do gardening at all? I do it to keep fit. Power tools and their use are part of keeping...
What does it mean to care?
Ominous Sky To me this is a reflection of our times. The sun is shining but there are dark clouds on the horizon. Possible lock downs to come. Not good. Caring Today I had a philosophical chat with my friend John. We were talking about understanding or should I say comprehension which is a slightly more sophisticated word but then we moved on to another topic - caring and love I joked with John...
Sanity and Insanity – where do we go when we die?
BJ – My compilations of thoughts have reached about 12 so far and when I revisit them it’s a little bit like having a greenhouse and tending plants. Nothing is static including my own learning and I tend to tweak ideas here and there. The whole thing is very therapeutic. We know that words and ideas have energy so making clean and unambiguous thoughts which is a part of our energy field seems to...
Interacting with others + the disadvantage of being nice.
JB – Why are we having these conversations and why do you write the diary? BJ All I try to do is to get the odd person who does read it just to think in a different way and if we can do that, then that’s job done. We can’t think for them. Just to remind you – the background of the whole thing is the inspiration from Samuel Pepys and his Diary that I write regularly and have done for the last...
Welcome to The World of Brian Snellgrove
1,606,617 words across 1,730 articles
Inspired by Samuel Pepys’ Diary 1633-1703