
Discrimination vs. Judgement

I'm spending significant amounts of time in the mornings listening to  TWR trans world radio which is an evangelical and theological re broadcasting station in the United Kingdom anyway to act as a conduit for the many excellent religious radio channels in the United States and in the English speaking world. R C Sproul was an American reformed theologian and ordained pastor in the Presbyterian...

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Is the Fourth Dimension a progressive or a retrogressive spiritual step?

Have I written the most unreadable blog ever? (today's specialist blog).  I realise that dimensionality is not everyone's cup of tea or coffee. I realized that most people are more concerned about what they're going to have for lunch, how they're going to pay the bills, and so such existential topics as dimensionality are in the far distance.  I decided to write that entry for me for once. I...

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Our first snow!!! – a good interview – the birth of a new arts centre

A cold start to the day We awoke this morning to an unnaturally white ceiling in our bedroom, a reflection of the snow upon the garden. I can't remember the last time it snowed in Midsomer Norton. It must have been about three years ago. An interview where everything is right I am just now listening to an interview with Pam Gregory who is one of the relatively few astrologers that I listen to...

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How do we write a book?

Do you write a book or does it write itself? I find that when the time is right, a book will write itself. I have written three books on energy and auras and I wrote from my heart and the whole thing was finished in a month. The book was not up to any scientific or academic purist standard but then it was telling a story of an individual and his discovery of a particular phenomenon. In a way,...

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Near Death Experiences – what do they mean?

  NDE's near death experiences are when during an operation or after an accident you temporarily leave your body and have insights and intimations of what life is like on the other side. It has nothing to do with mediumship, clairvoyance, remote viewing, rather what happens when you cast off your body which I call an overcoat, and in a way have a sneak preview. One of the best channels is...

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More thoughts on peace + more on conversation

Peace is not stasis. Peace is not 'doing nothing'. Peace is active, a dynamic.  We have a choice of two vectors, and only two. We can either do things to bring people together, or we can do things to cause people  to move apart. This is the core of what it means for us as human beings with free will. We can think of the idea of a moral compass. In other words what are our priorities? A clue is...

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Welcome to The World of Brian Snellgrove

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Inspired by Samuel Pepys’ Diary 1633-1703

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March 2025