Being on a boat of this nature, in this case the ferry to the Isle of Wight, reminded me of my time in a ship going to Freetown, Sierra Leone, when I was very young accompanying my father who was a missionary, and it reminded Francoise of her time on the Isle De Re of the southwest coast of France. It was the first time I'd ever seen someone charge five pounds for a slice of drizzle cake. The...
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The art of welcoming strangers into an unfamiliar place
In these days of fear and insecurity it is more problematic for people to summon up the courage to go along to somewhere new especially when they don't know people. I've pretty much lost my fear of going into strange places and look forward to it as an opportunity to get to know some new people because you never know who you might find and as you must know ad nausuam I approach complete...
Rubbish mobile phone service + would you drink drain cleaner?
THE MAN WHO ORDERED 4 GLASSES OF COKE FOR BREAKFAST Is Coca-Cola an addiction? I've just got back from Wetherspoons today Wednesday 15th January 2025 (yes its real time writing) where I enjoyed my normal Freedom breakfast combo, negotiating my way around the baby farms that form about nine thirty and I sat opposite a fairly stout young man who ordered no less than 4 x 500 ml glasses of Coke. I...
A remarkable labour of love + lonely cellist in RUH hospital
I'm sick of hearing from the mainstream Media that the NHS is on its knees. Over the last few months I have had excellent service from my local hospital. Staff are polite, they take extra steps to explain everything, their admin is efficient and I have no cause for complaint. I had to go back today for a cystoscopy examination (bladder area) just to make sure that a previous condition had not...
Achieving success as a writer, and how to avoid false hope
I am writing in preparation for the writers and diarists group that I intend to form on the 22nd of January. We have a handful of people so far but I imagine we will probably get about a dozen or so which is great for a launch. About launches, if we want to be really successful we should follow nature. In nature everything starts small and having a big PR bash with people drinking champagne and...
Giving effective requested advice
I have just done a psychic reading this morning which I combine with pendulum dowsing or divining. I very much rely on ideas that pop into my head from nowhere when listening to someone given account of their life and for the most part it seems to work. Sometimes what I say doesn't seem to make any sense at all but it seems to make sense to my client. It is important to keep the subjective side...
Welcome to The World of Brian Snellgrove
1,679,829 words across 1,783 articles
Inspired by Samuel Pepys’ Diary 1633-1703