Having gone to bed fairly early at 10:30 p.m I rose at five o'clock and checked my previous diary entry on Bristol and decided on a whim, or was it inspiration, to write round to every meaningful friend I had saying that I had written the article and I was writing to them because I wanted to share it and also to announce that I was alive and kicking. No breakfast for me this morning because I'm...
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What does AI ‘think’ about living on your own?
Asking AI What to do It is all too easy these days to consult Chat GBT, co-pilot, Gemini etc and let it do your thinking for you so I have pasted the response I got from Gemini at the bottom of this post and meanwhile I have written from my heart what I have observed to be true in my life, this time around, on this planet. The implications of that statement will be more obvious to some than...
My MRI scan experience + the pleasure of talking to strangers
So off to the RUH have my MRI scan. Magnetic Resonance Imaging machines! Gosh, these are big beasts which require a room to themselves and can range in cost between £0.6 and £1.9 million. The construction of MRI suites can easily add another £325,000 to the total cost. For those who might be having a scan let me run through what actually happens. I’ll lay it out in # points because it’s...
What is the definition of a boring person?
Nothing ventured nothing gained I have a policy that I will try anything once. It may be that the group or situation that you've been waiting for is just round the corner but you won't know until you've given it at least in a nodding acquaintance. Keynsham is a town about 10 miles from us, not the most exciting town on the planet, but who knows what is going once you dig beneath the surface I...
Was Jesus a good bloke?
I was exercised yesterday when I came across quite a controversial article saying that Jesus said he did not come to make the world a better place, rather to paraphrase 'world distraction is coming and only a few will survive'. The term 'good bloke' is in colloquial use in the United Kingdom if not elsewhere and I wanted to find what I have come to understand as a good bloke. First of all it is...
Is a staycation an attractive option?
I can cast my mind back many decades when as the son of a Church of England vicar we never had much money and we went to holidays in hotels where this sort of pastoral need was accommodated. We went mainly on the South Coast of England probably because it was quite near my father’s parish which was in Streatham Common, South London. We typically went for a week. Such simple things as paddling...
Welcome to The World of Brian Snellgrove
1,685,314 words across 1,786 articles
Inspired by Samuel Pepys’ Diary 1633-1703