What triggered this diary entry This morning I had an allergic problem with a bandage that I had used to strap my knee and I went off to Paulton hospital for minor injuries. As luck would have it, the car park was full so I decided to go to the hub in Paulton itself, that's the place linked to a small library and have a latte. It was here that my theme for the day was decided. This can happen...
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Doing Good vs ‘Do Gooder’
Deep down most of us want to do good rather than do harm. On the other hand let's look at the term do gooder. A do-gooder is a person who tries to help others, but in a way that some may consider annoying or impractical. The term is often used in a disapproving way. There may be mixed motives. In my wanderings on the Internet I found a chap called Jim Haynes who to put it mildly lead a colourful...
Greetings everybody - I normally get my inspiration for what I'm going to write on a particular day in the morning but today, strangely, nothing came so I decided to devote myself to fiddling around in the garden, preparing the lunch, watching another excellent Richard Vobes video, wondering if my garden tools were going to make it through another year. I know I'm 80 years of age but gardening...
A clear diary – bliss! + how to ask for something
The delights of social media I just love nosing around social media including Facebook and picking up sayings from people. I've come across one that's very helpful which reads as follows Empathy without boundaries is self destruction. Unconditional love doesn't mean unconditional tolerance. You have got to train your boundaries to be stronger than your soft heart, and your mind to be stronger...
What does it mean to be ‘Lukewarm’
Having gone to bed fairly early at 10:30 p.m I rose at five o'clock and checked my previous diary entry on Bristol and decided on a whim, or was it inspiration, to write round to every meaningful friend I had saying that I had written the article and I was writing to them because I wanted to share it and also to announce that I was alive and kicking. No breakfast for me this morning because I'm...
What does AI ‘think’ about living on your own?
Asking AI What to do It is all too easy these days to consult Chat GBT, co-pilot, Gemini etc and let it do your thinking for you so I have pasted the response I got from Gemini at the bottom of this post and meanwhile I have written from my heart what I have observed to be true in my life, this time around, on this planet. The implications of that statement will be more obvious to some than...
Welcome to The World of Brian Snellgrove
1,679,829 words across 1,783 articles
Inspired by Samuel Pepys’ Diary 1633-1703