We might as well say 'the person who walks alone'. Great message in this troubled age. This is a very heartwarming and encouraging rendering which should stir the spirit of any sentient person. The writer has a finger on the pulse of humanity with all its strengths and weaknesses. His work is almost poetry. Here is another one. 'For when you think too much'. Are problems illusory? ...
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Wells visit – What is the difference between a tourist and a traveler?
I had the answer today following a chance encounter in the museum of Wells with a mixed race couple. She was from Birmingham and he was from I'll take a guess the Caribbean. But let us start from the beginning. On our allotment in Midsomer the committee decided to have a 'clearing day' where anyone could bring their refuse and put it in a pile possibly for burning but more likely for taking...
Glasto ticket price in 2025 – Meetings – virtual or face to face meetings- which do you prefer
Are virtual meetings more useful than face-to-face meetings? The prompt to this question was a request for a customer for whom I am doing a gardening job to come round and discuss the next development. I wrote to him saying that I have a photographic memory and would be very happy if he were to stand at a vantage point halfway down the steps and we can talk through the garden situation without...
What it’s like to have a camera put up my private part
OK that is a giveaway in that I admit I am a biological male. I can tell that because of my external appendages. If in doubt, look south. Did anyone try this on the 'male' boxer who presented herself at the Paris Olympics? I'm sure the BBC would beg to differ with me because they are convinced there are 156 different sexes but I'm one of these old fashioned types that say God created male and...
My difficulty in concentrating when reading a book
Brian: About the method of reading books especially serious stuff I will tell you what happens. I read a couple of pages and I can get so excited by an idea that I have to stop reading and pace around for half an hour and I just wondered what your experience was a reading stuff. Friend: It depends of what it is. If it's stuff I've done and really know I could only read for a few minutes and...
Only in Glastonbury…..
This is going to be one of those days where without any previous intention this is going to be a full diary. Today is the celebration of Samhein otherwise known as Halloween and we set off early to go to Glastonbury to enjoy the wonderful weather, the warmth, the sun, and the amazing people who turn up on these occasions. However, before that, I should mention that I wrote a preparatory paper in...
Welcome to The World of Brian Snellgrove
1,685,314 words across 1,786 articles
Inspired by Samuel Pepys’ Diary 1633-1703