The most profound peace of mind is when you are in an environment where your body's foibles and imperfections are left behind, in other words in the state that we would call heaven. There is a homophone to peace and that is 'piece'. When we say we're going to 'give someone a piece of our mind' you mean we are going to say in no uncertain terms what we think of them. It's funny that we talk about...
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An updated review of the art of complaining (hotels)
Most times it is worth making a complaint. However, at a Hotel I stayed at in Dorset the proprietor to this bed and breakfast establishment was clearly not interested in her guests. She made the mistake of placing two couples who did not know each other at a rather small table slightly larger than a whist table. We arrived at the same time as the other couple and both gasped at this lack of...
Do we need holiday insurance in the UK +What is an existential crisis?
Our Little holiday has come to an end and I could have easily stayed for another few days but on the other hand it is necessary for Francoise to seek medical advice for her very swollen left knee. I have always considered travel insurance unnecessary particularly when visiting within the United Kingdom but now I'm not so sure. The RAC attend to you when you're cars broken down but what about if...
Surrealist Birmingham art experience with a touch of woke
To call Birmingham a multicultural city is somewhat of an understatement. On Wednesday 27th November we were transported by tour coach and left at a meeting point near the Bullring to be picked up four hours later. This is the season of Christmas markets but I found the large commercial stands selling mostly German drinks and food too boring to photograph and instead it is pleasant to just walk...
What is force? – Are Chinese goods below standard?
The Escaping Poly tunnel I have had an interesting day today Sunday. What a wind! Our carefully installed poly tunnel just disappeared and plonked itself in the next garden. We had two retrieve it by throwing it back over the fence and that in rain and wind. Thank goodness the neighbor was understanding. What seems to happen is that the wind gets under the material and turns it into a huge...
A form of self torture? – sorting out my clothes
I have accumulated a motley collection of shirts, trousers ('pants' to my US readers). T-shirts with long and short sleeves, underclothes - some of which I could tactfully say were of the era in which they were purchased. I have laid them all out in my living room, every last one, and they are a sorry site. I have 24 shirts mostly in good condition but I only wear half a dozen of them. Do I...
Welcome to The World of Brian Snellgrove
1,679,829 words across 1,783 articles
Inspired by Samuel Pepys’ Diary 1633-1703