
The fear campaign continues – even the forecast is being weaponized

Storm Henk – the eighth storm of the season– threatens to smash Britain this weekend as New Year is threatened by nationwide gales, rain and up to eight inches of snow. The entire country is on alert for three days of weather hell as the gates to the Atlantic swing open to a barrage of cyclonic low-pressure systems. A large storm system due to smash into Britain tomorrow is likely to be named...

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Dieting, a visit to Bath, a noisy bus, use of English words

I am writing on what I suppose is a fairly personal matter but I have no qualms about sharing such things. If you have been suffering some of the same symptoms it may be worth looking at some of the matters I have mentioned below and seeking advice. Please understand that what I am writing does not comprise medical advice.  It is just me trying to figure stuff out. After many years of difficulty...

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Our voyage to South Wales – Day four

We awoke to beautiful blue skys as can often happen on the final day of a trip. We heard that last night, Tuesday, there were only two people on duty. One was the receptionist and one was a cook. Between them they had to serve at reception, take orders at the bar, take orders for food, serve it and clear the tables. I do admire the people for doing the work that I did under great stress. An...

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My despair at ‘carbon neutral’ agenda as a control mechanism

I try not to think of politics all the time but recent numbers show how futile it is to attempt a significant reduction when countries are belting out so much and where the odd volcano spews out millions of tons of the stuff. Without carbon dioxide (currently a trace gas 0.04% of the atmosphere i.e. 400 ppm) we would be dead.     2019 figures below. China, with more than 10,065 million tons of...

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The world of the MedBed

So last night I tried the medbed, which is a futuristic device utilizing quantum entanglement. Se a rather glorious picture of it here.In order to take part you don't need to visit anywhere. You need to upload a picture of where you will be lying be it a bed or chair. You then send in the picture to the office in Switzerland. At a time determined by you, you sit or lie down in a location related...

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The day of my operation – the gruesome details

Just listening to a video commentary entitled  'GREG HUNTER USA WATCHDOG: RADICAL DROUGHT CAUSED BY MILITARY WEATHER WEAPONS – DANE WIGINGTON' 36:41  Weather control has been around since the 60's and is used to bring a country to its knees without them being aware of it. This morning I had a telephone call from Mike, one of the mechanics at the garage, to tell me that they had fixed the car but...

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Welcome to The World of Brian Snellgrove

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Inspired by Samuel Pepys’ Diary 1633-1703

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October 2024