
When did you last contact your friends?

A few days ago I wrote a circular letter to about 60 people with whom I have had contact at various times. They consist of those who I regard as friends but also professional colleagues. Such is the time pressure on people today that I do not expect people to read let alone respond that occasionally I am surprised, and this morning was one such when someone has taken the trouble to write back at...

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Time at my computer + a Boring Film

I just felt like putting in this one. It has no relevance to the article. A fanfare in the face of chaos? I cannot remember living in such exciting times where the stakes are high and getting higher. At stake is the human being with all its glorious creativity and spirituality which is under threat from agents that think that artificial intelligence is enough to run the planet. Each day, there...

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A Community Food Fridge in all areas? + MUST SEE film on Gratitude

  Farringdon Gurney is a small village of about 1100 people which punches above their weight in terms of social provision.Today's talks were about seed provision and discussing certain local services.  The hall was full, quite encouraging on a blustery day. Farringdon Gurney is thinking of having a community food fridge. Food facilities such as this are very useful for serving the...

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Nature and humanity – what are the secrets of growth?

Nature has been around for far longer than when human kind first stepped on the earth and it will be here far longer than us if we degrade ourselves or destroy ourselves in some war or another. You would have thought that's through observing the laws of nature we would learn lessons that could somehow influence our behavior. Anyone working on the land, allotments or gardens will relate to what...

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Barrett’s esophagus + making decisions

Barrett's esophagus - what is it? I will go short of saying that I would not wish this on my worst enemy. For those of you who do not know, there is a little flap in the esophagus that stops acid coming up into the throat. When this flap is shall we say lazy or only partly effective, the acids of the stomach which are strong as they have to be make themselves known through an unpleasant bloating...

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What are our intentions ? Do we really listen?

The word 'intent' is about purpose. It was used from the early 13th century and comes from the old French entente, which means the goal, the purpose. This comes from the Latin 'intentus', which means a stretching out, leaning towards. In the sense of having the mind 'fixed upon something' the use was from about 1600 AD Let's look at the use of this word in current English " he listened intently...

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Inspired by Samuel Pepys’ Diary 1633-1703

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October 2024