
What does AI ‘think’ about living on your own?

Asking AI What to do It is all too easy these days to consult Chat GBT, co-pilot, Gemini etc and let it do your thinking for you so I have pasted the response I got from Gemini at the bottom of this post and meanwhile I have written from my heart what I have observed to be true in my life, this time around, on this planet. The implications of that statement will be more obvious to some than...

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What is the purpose of life and living?

This is an unlikely image to start today's ball rolling. Us versus the elements, there is no contest. I contemplate the puny powers of humankind compared with the might of nature. At the current time with order versus chaos there appears to be no contest. 07:30 I've just had my morning coffee whilst watching news on TV to hear that UK Prime Minister Keith Starmer is returning from his 14th visit...

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Attacking my lingering addiction for sugar – LONG Article- not by me!

I know this diary is primarily to record my own events but occasionally I do find something that jumps out of the page of me, maybe because I'm ready for it, but I find in this case a certain compulsion about reading the whole article from beginning to end.   My health is not that great at the moment regarding digestion and maybe reading this article could help it. Who knows until you try? I...

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Is a banana a fruit – and other mysteries of training for local radio

This is one of the more spontaneous diary creations that I can recall and it concerns today's visit to a local radio station, should I say a community radio station, to get some training about how to run shows and do interviews. I set off around 8:30 am to go the 10 miles to the destination and on the way I was greeted by banks of fog followed by a clear skies followed by more fog which caused...

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Reflections on attending a conference

I'm now going to attempt the impossible and try to sum up over 24 hours of talks, discussions, occasional disagreements, meeting famous people that we'd seen on TV, generally walking into a woman that you no we'll be full of people who are on your wavelengths. You don't really have to introduce yourself, you just start off in whatever gear you feel like and someone will be there just support and...

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The benefits of meeting in small groups

At  heart I am only partly a group person though I do encourage networks and networking and have created a few in my time which has been a great privilege. This morning I attended a small group in the welcoming home of a family from South Africa. Françoise kindly made a gluten-free apple cake which all enjoyed. Apart from three couples the rest of the gathering were people living on their own....

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Welcome to The World of Brian Snellgrove

1,679,829 words across 1,783 articles
Inspired by Samuel Pepys’ Diary 1633-1703

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March 2025