Results for "philosophy"

Allegiance to a group

I am attending a particular group on a fairly regular basis and have issues with the way the group is being organized and the path it is intending to take in the future. The question is 'who owns the intellectual property which is the group'? The likelihood is that the responsibilities are not clear. In my thinking the wisest thing to do is to get everyone together and get their views to make...

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What is fear? plus ‘the metaphorical use of the word ‘skin’

Brian: I don't want to develop a thick skin but I find that when I put ideas to people and they just laugh at it ignore it or reject I find it difficult not to take it personally.  I do my best. Out of the goodness of my heart. I wrote a report to our local Vineyard group that now has been defrocked but there is still a crowd of people ,about how to move on. I wanted to relieve the previous...

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The time consuming challenge of transcribing a lecture

Do you know how much work is involved? This is addressed to the very small number of people who are information nerds like myself. We are surrounded by so much information that we have very little opportunity to digest it, draw out the relevant bits for our development, and install them in our mind. About six pm this evening I was reminded of an excellent talk by the scientific and medical...

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The eight types of love, revisited.

On the 5th of March 2018, six years ago, I wrote an article about various types of love. You can find it here 6 years have passed and I think it is time for me to revisit the topic and append my views. This was stimulated by my coming across an article entitled '8 Greek words that will make your heart soar'. What...

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Are you a controversial character?

controversy "disputation, debate, prolonged agitation of contrary opinions," late 14c., from Old French controversie "quarrel, disagreement" or directly from Latin controversia "a turning against; contention, quarrel, dispute," from controversus "turned in an opposite direction, disputed, turned against," from contra "against" (see contra (prep., adv.)) + versus "turned toward or against," past...

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Being on the same wavelength – yoga – Barrett’s esophagus

From where do we view the world The Garden of Eden reveals the character and purpose of God, who created humans in his image and likeness, and gave them dominion over the earth. It also shows the consequences of human disobedience and rebellion, which resulted in the loss of God's presence, blessing, and protection. It also points to the need for redemption and salvation, which God promised...

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Welcome to The World of Brian Snellgrove

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Inspired by Samuel Pepys’ Diary 1633-1703

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