Results for "bath"

The most brainless parking charge sign in Bath? (P+R)

Today I went for my eye appointment in Bath and decided to go via park and ride from Odd Down. Please read this sign and tell me if you could make sense of it more than I can perhaps I'm having a brain 'off day'. I note the charges but I thought the whole point of park and ride was to save people parking in the city centre and paying high fees for so doing. I thought this was a public service. ...

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Yet more from Bath on a sunny but breezy day

Off to Bath to buy some bits and pieces for my birthday party next Sunday. We stopped off at the Methodist church in Manvers Street. There is always a welcome in this clean and bright place with plenty of social activity for the older people. someone has taken the trouble to provide this helpful flyer Sam Evans, 26, he passed away three years ago 24th of May leaving a massive hole in our hearts...

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A busy and showery bank holiday in Bath

One of the best measures of whether the tourist season has begun are for some unknown reason the number of Japanese tourists.  We decided to take the bus instead of driving and arrived about 11 am  whereupon we swiftly repaired to the newly refurbished Wetherspoons and had a hot drink . This establishment has been closed for the last month and what they have done apart from some new general...

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A saunter round Bath with an old friend

However many times I visit Bath, there is always something new to experience. I was able to help several visitors (as I like to do) and when you see Japanese people you know that the season has started. This time I counted six different languages. Today we  visited in order to meet a long standing friend of ours who lives in Dublin and has been a client and friend for over 20 years now. She was...

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Back to normal – the Bath and Kennet Canal (again)

All Quiet on the Western Front It is nice to have a day off after yesterday's tumultuous question in which I asked whether Kate Middleton was dead . I had record viewing numbers and a number of colourful and varied comments about my subject material. This page, yesterday's, will be a continuing story as I hear more evidence which so far is pretty damning . I've also said that if I am wrong and...

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