Is wokeness out of control?

by | Mar 4, 2025 | Latest Post, psychology | 1 comment

Reading Time: 7 minutes

James Lindsay

I have watched UK column for many years now and it is a stable and reliable source of information and opinion. I do not look at it as regularly as I could but then with so many demands on my attention sometimes I don’t know where to start. I author or take part in five web domains which takes more time than it should.

Today I visited the homepage of UK column and flipped through the many videos available and jumped on this one, Repel the Cult of Woke – with James Lindsey. My goodness it is so good to hear someone speaking intelligently, unambiguously and clearly. It is long 1:04:56 but it is meat and drink to me. Please note that this video was made on 18th December 2024 before Trump’s Inauguration.

Starmer is a Fabian and a communist.

It is clear that our Prime Minister Sir Keith Starmer is a Fabian and a Marxist. His content of the public is already clear in his treatment of the farmers that he refuses point blank to have anything to do with and his immigration policy if you can call it that more like a plan if you ask me to destabilise what has for centuries been a Christian democratic country. We can read or re-read 1984 by George Orwell with great benefit.

My own miscellany of observations and questions

I’m going to try and assemble the rag bag of impressions I’ve had and then ask a couple of questions of anyone who is reading this.

# I remember in the 1980s and 1990s a lot of us being made about politically correct behaviour which basically meant not doing or saying anything that might possibly upset other people. This went to the most ridiculous lengths that people were suing each other for supposed microaggression for example staring at them or making a joke

# I hear that the BBC here in England has a chairman who is woke. He says he enjoys being woke. He thinks there are 156 sexual orientations. The mind boggles at the thought. When I was just a young lad we had two sexes, male and female with the occasional homosexual person thrown in the mix. Homosexuals were regarded as beyond the pail, and I know in some countries homosexuality is an offense.

# Woke people consider themselves to be part of the oppressed and they reserve the right to do anything to reverse this. What are their grounds for saying such a thing?

# There is a fashion among Local Council staff certainly in Frome for referring to themselves is they / them.  I am not quite sure how to greet such people. Do I say ‘Hello they them how are you’?

# I notice a huge amount of repressed anger in people who are gay or trans and I am be made to feel under an obligation to accept them or else. I can say something perfectly innocent and this is regarded as hate speech though this is a phenomenon that I’ve only noticed in the last two or three years. How is it that if I make an Innocent comment about someone’s color or ethnicity that can be translated as hate?

# If I say someone is black am I being discriminatory?

# Have you noticed in the majority of advertisements on TV where couples are featured, the man is  black and the woman is white or sometimes vice versa. . Is this because advertising agencies have been told to do this against accusations of being called racist and non-inclusive? See Reddit article here.

Overrepresentation of Interracial Couples in TV

Reddit writer : I definitely see more couples featured in advertising comprising of a black man and white woman even more than any monoracial pairing.

# With regard to religion, it seems that if you say anything against the behavior of Muslims you’re being racist but funnily enough it doesn’t work the other way. If you criticize Christians for any reasons that is fair game.I know Muslims regard Christians as infidels and treat them accordingly.

# What are politely called ‘grooming gangs’ are actually rape gangs and exist mainly in the north of England in a less more than 40 cities and can perform their actions within impunity from a sympathetic government or one that only pays lip service. Are they being ‘woke?’

I’m going to break off now and give some examples of the persecution of Christians. We are lucky in this country in a way because the Christian can practice their faith within reason without anyone attacking them but let’s take us sample from what goes on in other countries:-

This is from the charity Barnabasaid that aims ‘to bring hope to suffering Christians’.  Here are some of the headlines.
Christians Killed  More than 100 Christians have been killed by Islamists in north Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo between mid-october 2024 and early January 2025. 53 were slaughtered between Christmas Day and New Years Eve.   
An Armed attack on a church on New Year’s Eve in Istanbul Turkey. Two Suspects were arrested following a gun attack on a church building in a district of Istanbul on New Year’s Eve. One of the assailants, arriving by car, fired several shots at a church building on the evening of the 31st of December 2024 during celebrations for the New Year. He was heard shouting ‘we will not allow you to brainwash our Muslim youth. Oh infidels you will be defeated and gathered to be driven Into Hell’

Where is the sense of humour?

# I notice among gays and lesbians that there is a certain intensity, a complete lack of sense of humour and an anger just beneath the surface that can explode if I say something innocent. Why are they politicizing their situation when that is unnecessary. Surely everyone has a right to lead their own lives in any way they choose so long as they don’t hurt anybody. Believe and act according to your nature but don’t push it on me

# I notice the premature ‘education’ of children where at the age of three they are educated about masturbation.  I noticed that children at the age of nine or ten are educated or informed about pornography, various types of sex, and matters which are in my view wildly premature with regard to their development. I know that the age of puberty is coming down but not by that much.

# LGBTQ stands for a whole basket of descriptors such as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, asexual and others. I just wonder how many of these conditions are not intrinsic but a passing affectation, which maturity of understanding will transcend.

# I wonder why people think they are born in the wrong body. Maybe God lost his concentration for a moment.  As a result some girls have their breast cut off; both boys and girls have complicated operations in their genital area together with drugs. I can only contemplate the damage that will be caused in later life because such operations are not reversible.

# Athletics has been wrecked by the politically correct woke decision that if a man identifies himself as a woman he can take part in woman’s races. Do the authorities think that the public is that stupid to buy this nonsense?

# I feel that the youngsters of today will grow up very confused and possibly less able to have relationships. Is this the plan behind the whole thing and is it part of the plan for population reduction and the breakup of the family. Do your own research on that one because the eugenics agenda is well on board and is in a rude state of health.

Question of the day

So my question is as follows.

Why have we got into this state and what is wrong with the traditional models. It sounds suspiciously like the activities of the German Marxist group called The Frankfurt School and started their activities in 1923. Listen to a digestible audio commentary. This School formed the basis of a plan  to destroy western society from within and when a class war did not work they had to devise other methods and I think these manifestations above are all the latest manifestations of this movement.

Do you think I am being paranoid if so why?

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1 Comment

  1. Editor

    Dino says: Define “woke.” Just seems to be a catch-all buzzword for anything and everything that triggers reactionary bores .

    Chronic misuse of “Woke/ry” is worse than when self-styled “progressive” types declare everything “Problematic.”


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