A sense of community is not just important, it's the only thing. I've always been a community person ever since I could remember certainly in my 20s and the so-called swinging 60s. I did very little actual swinging, more morose hanging around wandering what I was doing on the planet. Today we visited Timsbury for the well established annual seeds swap. It's not only seeds actually but plants,...
Month: March 2025
My encounter with a 20 mph zone
I was passing Lidl and I saw this aberration of an advertisement on a notice board outside. I do not know what emotion the photo director is trying to convey through this unfortunate model with the suspiciously crafted hairstyle. Do you know anyone like this who would react to thought of getting something for nothing by such a facial expression? Is she closing her eyes and screaming in...
The best way to start a day
The BBC does have its benefits and high quality music on Radio 3 is one of them so I decided to start my day mainly because I could not sleep anymore with good old classical music. I have said before and I'll say it again that early morning is the best time to function creatively. I keep a notebook by me and make a note of all the things that has to be done during the day and as I write this at...
Giving detailed feedback to a retreat organizer
I wrote a few weeks ago about a recent conference that I attended. The organizers were unwise enough to ask me for my opinion little realising that I would write voluminously but this is my contribution to get things as good as they can possibly be. Greetings Dear organisers I'm going to give you my considered opinion on a possible future path of your interactions bearing in mind the great...
Is wokeness out of control?
I have watched UK column for many years now and it is a stable and reliable source of information and opinion. I do not look at it as regularly as I could but then with so many demands on my attention sometimes I don't know where to start. I author or take part in five web domains which takes more time than it should. Today I visited the homepage of UK column and flipped through the many videos...
A church service – in the middle of nowhere
My goodness this looks like one of those lively days. Transworld radio has delivered again and while I was having my coffee at 7:30 I heard about a new organization, new to me anyway called ataloss.org which is a uk wide service helping people who have been bereaved including provision for the children of the bereaved. Founder and chief executive, Yvonne Tulloch, wrote that when she was suddenly...
Welcome to The World of Brian Snellgrove
1,685,314 words across 1,786 articles
Inspired by Samuel Pepys’ Diary 1633-1703