Day: 28 February 2025

Have our minds been psychologically reprogrammed

Please note, dear people, this is not part of the normal run of accounts and comments that I make, it's because thinking or lack of it is so important that it does affect in a profound way the way that people see and reflect on such writings as you see in this diary - Ed. It’s our subconscious that falls victim to propaganda This is an article from The Light Newspaper and I hope this will serve...

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Is ranting a good thing? – special edition

Somone having a rant about .... everything Oh, I gota rant about the absolute plague of scammers in the UK—it’s like they’ve turned conning people into a national sport, and they’re all competing for gold! You’ve got these slimy toerags calling you up, pretending to be from "HMRC" or "your bank," with accents so dodgy they sound like they’ve been practicing English from a pirated VHS of...

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Welcome to The World of Brian Snellgrove

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Inspired by Samuel Pepys’ Diary 1633-1703

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