Jesus being a nice bloke? Good bloke? Visionary? Trouble maker? What do you think?
I was exercised yesterday when I came across quite a controversial article saying that Jesus said he did not come to make the world a better place, rather to paraphrase ‘world distraction is coming and only a few will survive’.
The term ‘good bloke’ is in colloquial use in the United Kingdom if not elsewhere and I wanted to find what I have come to understand as a good bloke. First of all it is someone who keeps his word, someone who which is the best for everybody and goes out of his way to help people if he can basically someone who is honest and good natured and as an added bonus someone with a sense of humour but this is not necessary
As for the etymology, some believe it derives from the Celtic word ‘ploc’ which is a large bullheaded person. The word first appears in the 19th century England as a variation of the slang term gloak which itself was a variation of an older slang term buzzgloak, which means pickpocket.
It is clear that you would not apply the term ‘bloke’ to anyone who had stature not the least reason because the etymology is mixed to say the least so let’s have a look at some of the things that Jesus said during his term of ministry. The gentle Jesus meek and mild simply does not fit with his fearless confrontation with the less delightful aspects of human nature.
Putting it bluntly, dear people
In one of his more forthright moments he said that he ‘has come to bring fire on the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled!’ In other words why haven’t people woken up already. ‘Do you think I came to bring peace on earth? No I tell you but division period from now on there will be five in one family divided against each other, three against two and two against three. They will be divided, father against son and son against father mother against daughter’
He taught instead of appeasing the population telling them that the Kingdom of God was invading earth, and disrupting Satan’s Kingdom. The life of the followers of Jesus is vividly described by Jesus and demonstrated by his own life those who followed him there is a constant conflict, a spiritual war of encountering and opposing the world system ruled by Satan.
Jesus’ proactive behaviour is far more than chasing the money changers out of the temple, that was just symbolic though it probably didn’t seem so to the money changers themselves. It is symbolic of cleansing of the values of this world.
He did not shrink away from a public demonstration of his views, a bit like the farmers who have assembled today in London to protest their case.
Have things changed much today?
2000 years later we seem to be in approximately the same situation where the forces of evil are indeed still ruling the earth. It remains to be seen whether Trump will have any effect and whether 15 minute cities and digital ID will triumph over the plans of the good guys, Q in particular, plus the awakening of the general public.
My impression of the rise of consciousness is that it is a bit like the tide, it rises slowly but surely and it makes it more difficult for malefactors to do their job. In a way it’s a numbers game because the more people move towards harmony the more difficult the evil powers that be will find it to make progress. God, once having given us free will, counteract this for expedient reasons.
If I could put myself in the position of Jesus which of course is impossible I would see a number of things, I would see how mankind has been interfered with by alien influences and their DNA changed and modified so I would have to shout extra loud to get the message through. If you see people walking towards a cliff edge you want to shout and stop them from killing themselves and this is where love comes in.
God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that all those who believe in him would not perish, but have everlasting life. I think we understand very little about unconditional love never mind loving a whole planet and the inhabitants thereof so really it’s a bit like trying to study astronomy from the bottom of a cloudy pond without a telescope.
So, his statement that he comes not to bring peace but a sword (Matthew 10:34) means that his teachings and presents will inevitably cause division and conflict metaphorically represented by a sword as his message will separate people into those who accept his teachings and those who reject them including families.
He wants to help his followers understand that the season of political peace will not come soon and his arrival will bring a great division to the world . Same thing really. We now call these people sheep and goats. So if us as Christians are afraid of polarising people’s opinion we are not really spreading the gospel of Jesus which was by its nature revolutionary and controversial.
Jesus must have been even more challenged because he himself was a Jew, and was mockingly called the king of the Jews. Below I reflect on what Jews are currently up to in the world.
The View of a Friend
I asked a friend that in view of the fact that all roads leads to Israel who have a tight control of the world and have done so for decades so what difference can our actions make to the course of events?
Brian: I think if you if we measure ourselves by productivity that is a mistake but I think it’s about orientation particularly that of our psychology and spirit when we pass over from this life. I will go on doing what I’m doing.
Friend: on a spiritual level, the whole thing is dirty. It’s only because I understand the enormity of the problem of ‘inverted’ Israel but I am comfortable with how the anti-deep state is going about dismantling it. I am very comfortable but I can understand how most people would be at the least agitated, or more like being angry and pulling their hair out but one thing follows another.
The whole dismantling of the USA but eventually the world can only benefit mankind if we don’t destroy half the people on the planet in the process. These thoughts are so embedded, the Zionists, the Kazarian Mafia, the Prussians are so embedded in Israel they can make Israel look so embedded in the world and I’m not going to dispute that they are. It is such a large and wicked problem that I’m picking it can’t be obvious because the cohort will start to freak out.
It cannot be slow otherwise again people will start to freak out so the obverse of it is that when it happens, it will happen all at once. Everything will come crashing down. Luckily, they are stupid. They may be in control of the planet and they have got here by nefarious means over centuries but basically they cannot invent anything, they cannot even capitalize on stuff that has been invented. They keep playing the same old tricks over and over again.
The role of Q
So when Q said their Playbook is understood they were not joking. They know that these creatures have a modus operandi that has worked for them for centuries which gives them the false confidence that it will carry on working for them even in the face of the evidence shows that the situation is collapsing in on themselves.
It goes back to the elections in America where you cannot get elected unless you have the backing of the Jews which means swearing allegiance to them. Education policy. For decades Tabbuts Jews control the education system in Europe if not in the world. The locals both in the Middle East and in Europe have ben dumbed down.
They have been kept that way by the Tabbuts. If you control the children you end up with adults who can be controlled. The instigators of this hide among the normal population of Jews and through this they control the world.
Meanwhile there’s a continual bombarding mall of propaganda about the Jewish Holocaust, 60 or was it 6,000,000 Jews far beyond their actual number at the time so we feel guilty even criticizing them and that’s a problem we will have so on the one hand we are asked to take notice of Jesus who was a Jew and on the other hand we are asked to take care of what is being done in the name of Jewishness at the moment