My ever growing ‘to do’ list

by | Feb 8, 2025 | Latest Post | 0 comments

Reading Time: 5 minutes

in the garden of our local church, St. johns

I woke up this morning with such a list of things to do; I realised (again) that time management is very important, indeed key, to some sort of sanity. Today between 6:00 AM and 6:30 AM I spent time listening to Trans world radio and in particular good news broadcasting, teaching the Bible through media. It produces Christian radio programmes, podcasts, videos and literature.

The minister was talking about the value of lingering after a service or meeting and not just disappearing off to cook lunch and telling a story that once after a church service he and a group of students found themselves caught up in a conversation which lasted most of the day and ended up with the wife of the minister making an extra unexpected evening meal. One of the students asked if we outstayed our welcome, to which the minister replied ‘we enjoy it you are very welcome’.

So my question is, where did the time go?  We speak of time flying or time dragging so there must be an existential element here somewhere.

My ‘To do’ List

There are so many ways that I could fill my day, indeed every day.

# I am seriously behind on my reading and I have so many books that deserve serious study.

# I also need to help with fixing the garden because although it is winter maintenance needs to be done.

# My office is also in a serious mess and needs a big tidy including going through mountains of paperwork that I haven’t looked at for a long time.

# My shed with all my tools particularly garden tools is in a complete mess and needs to clear out.

#We are also thinking of repainting the kitchen but seriously needs a lick of paint.

# I also need to do more exercise and we have discovered a Chinese method of refreshing and keeping toned up all parts of the body.

# We also have a product, A Bemer, that keeps the body in tone by a frequency treatment in the blood.

#   I have my self-appointed task of maintaining four websites, one of which is about 5G, one is about COVID and its long term consequences, one is this site that you are reading from now, and finally I have the art of conversation site which is designed to help people with their writing and becoming more confident in so doing.

I do not have to do any of these elements but I just enjoy them. I dread being bored or boring come to that and I find the process of writing keeps me on my toes intellectually and spiritually

This does not include routine activities such as shopping, hospital appointments. Thank goodness I don’t have a disabled child or other dependents otherwise I don’t know what I would do and the above list would be have to be drastically revived.

I’m actually not very good at looking after myself. I will jump if someone else needs help but at the cost of neglecting my own welfare.

The daily routine

There is an old saying that one hour in the morning is worth two in the afternoon and I would heartily concur with that. My day normally starts at 6:00 in the morning. I sit here writing away having just put the bread making machine on to make our regular supply of fresh home cooked  bread.

Our main meal is lunch and we do have a light meal in the evening consisting of soup and bread. I find I cannot digest bigger meals in the evening so this suits me fine. We seldom go out in the evening because we prefer our own food knowing it to be pure and free of preservatives and chemicals and believe me these days that is no light task. Basically the cheaper the food the more it has been cannibalized.

At about 7 PM I turn towards contemplating turning off the computer and then go and sit in the living room, lighting the fire in the winter, and doing a catch up on YouTube or TV programmes followed by our favorite pre bedtime occupation of listening to Radio 3, late junction or night sounds. Listening seems a better preview to sleeping than watching TV

Am I boring my readers to death?

I hope I’m not writing to myself and boring everyone to death so folks why not sit down and write the things that you need to do. I think it is a question of importance coupled with urgency. So something can be important but can wait whilst urgent things by their nature need to be dealt with immediately and this can so often happen with an unexpected telephone call when I’m ensconced in something else.

Here I go again distracting myself, the meaning of the word ensconce means getting into something and establishing and settling down in a comfortable safe place such as a bedroom or office. The word was used in 1598 “he is to enscance and fortifie as commodity and the place will permit ” so it’s about sheltering within or behind fortifications.

So the time is 07:55, I’ve just taken the freshly cooked baked bread out of the bread maker and I haven’t even started the day but still written 890 words. Noises from the bedroom indicate that Francoise has risen.


My goodness you think human kind are the only sentient beings in the universe.  Check Michael Salla on Exopolitics Today for a new insight, this time with Miriam Delicado

As if that we not enough, hear a Christian talk about Christian vs Muslim
Unmasking USAID: Illegal Immigration, Deep State and Trump’s Strategy
with Larry Alex Taunton,   Truth Has Consquences  1:09:01


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