A Retreat from the world

by | Jan 31, 2025 | Latest Post, Philosophy | 0 comments

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Uncle Mac

This is going to be a prelude to one heck of a big entry so  In the words of Uncle Mac, the great presenter over children’s BBC programs many decades ago, ‘are you sitting comfortably? Then I’ll begin’.

This morning while listening to Angela Hallett playing Chopin in Radio Three  I realised that the organiser had put so much love and caring into this event, almost guaranteeing, though that is a dangerous word to use, success and fulfillment for those who come.

If you put out the right signals, you get the right results in terms of response.

We have a built-in ability to make contact with each other other than with words. We have lost that ability through lack of use and abuse.

Think of the animal kingdom: do they go on training sessions for communication? No, they have it in built in them and have not damaged it. We with our wonderful civilization have damaged you and so we need the weekends the like of which I’m going on today for recreation and for repair. In a way you don’t have to do this consciously as quantum entanglement happens automatically if the situation is right or more succinctly if the good will is there and all you have to do is not to stand in its way.

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