OK so its 05:36
and after a coffee and wonderful bread, off to videoland and a film via Nexus Newsfeed : Fentanyl: The Drug’s Toll on Users, First responders and the law. 2Mg can kill you! NB It stops or inhibits your breathing. Said one of the *workers, an ex-drug user now clean for 20 years and al;thought it is damaging it is addictive especially when mixed with cocaine.
” I learn how to not to put expectations on anybody. Everybody is an individual and they make own decisions”
I found that very helpful since I still have unrealistic decisions based on what I think people should do if they had any common sense, and of course life doesn’t work like that.
Spreading the word to fellow writers
About 7 years ago I started a large website called 5Gexposed.com The whole thing was a miracle in synchronicity. I got an idea for a site on a Friday afternoon and by Tuesday afternoon I registered the site, started populating it, got a leaflet designed and printed and I was ready to go. I had learned to follow my intuition immediately.
The same thing may be apply with my new Somer Valley Writers site so it has not worked through yet. I got the idea about 4 am this morning but I should have a leaflet. I used an agency called peopleperhour.com and got a response within hours followed by a brilliant A5 leaflet design which just summed everything up without my even having to explain in detail what I needed.
I am going to do the same method today…… pause whilst I put my advert in …… Well, its 07:45 and already I have had offers from 17 people. The internet works fast! A lady from Birmingham called Omaima responded to my contract within half an hour and hopefully we will have some results today. She says that unlimited revisions are included. The first one arrived 5.30 pm and I will show the finished product when it comes, probably tomorrow Thursday.
Strange information about my MRI scan
I’m due to have a scan of my liver in a couple of weeks at the RUH in Bath and hospital wrote saying that if I wanted to bring along a CD I could play it during the procedure. I know the MRI scanner is a heavy duty high-tech machine but why the CD?
Me being me phoned them up and ask them and they said that the scan can take up to 25 minutes but it very much depends on the patient because if you move around, the scan takes longer.
She says they have old ladies coming on who go to sleep straight away, or they have young muscular builders who can’t sit still for more than if 10 seconds. I promised that I will be the model patient and probably go in to a metaphysical trance state.
Deep breathing required, Brian
Hi Brian. Take your favourite music CD to listen to during the scan. Im not claustrophobic but found if I kept my eyes closed even before I went into the tube shaped MRI machine really helped me.