Coffee and some lovely home cooked bread which is so delicious you even don’t need butter. Time to catch up on a couple of videos . The more I do it, the more I realize that I am at my best on waking. It is peaceful outside. I don’t say ‘quiet’. Pace is a positive quality, quiet is the absence of noise.
The Soul Before Birth: A documentary on pre-birth memories Following the widespread sharing of near-death experiences, a small but growing number of people are sharing their memories of life immediately before being born. Here are accounts by Henrik Ryosa, Melissa Denyce, and Sandy Briggs
.Keir Starmer – A message from spirit. Spot-on psychic / card reading by Amanda Ellis. Another video,A warning of what we in the UK are going to have to go through.
I am also starting a provocative article ‘Christianity did not exist in the first century’. One of these arcane ‘looking between the cracks’ academic articles.
And another article by By Daisy Luther, is a prolific blogger, writing about ‘prepping’ The ten daily habits of prepared people
And a very funny video series. FAKE WEIGHTS PRANK… | ANATOLY pretended to be a Beginner in a Gym #15
Preparing for a conference
I’m going to attend up a particular conference this weekend, the details of which are not relevant but it’s about the place of the feminine and the Gospels including the Virgin Mary.
As you know I am an assiduous recorder of things and I want to share the truth with as many people as possible so my idea forwarded to the organiser was to record the confidence. They thought I might be wanting to video it but I said that that was far too intrusive and I would record discreetly on my mobile phone.
It is always important to ask permission to do anything out of the ordinary so I wrote accordingly:
I can understand both sides. No way would I video because that is intrusive and changes the vibration of the place. I normally use my mobile phone. Some people are paranoid about being recorded for reasons that I don’t understand but I can imagine a scenario when the main plenary talks are recorded and anything which would involve the audience for example a sharing session would not be recorded.
Hopefully this clear statement will be acceptable.
Have we been programmed?
In general I think we are a cohort in the United Kingdom having been programmed by the covid years to keep your distance come on don’t kill grandmother etc and this has seeped into the psychology to suppress the Instincts of community that we all have as our birthright.
It is only because I have taken the trouble to understand why this pertains that I am free from it. You could say I have been inoculated against it not by a vaccine by knowledge. We have to fight through ‘taking up our Cross’ on a daily basis keeping aware, keeping positive, maintaining our friends, not judging anyone.