Writing a book, article or diary entry from a standing start.

by | Jan 27, 2025 | Latest Post | 0 comments

Reading Time: 3 minutes

If we carried all our knowledge in our conscious mind, the burden would be too great and we would become unstable. The majority of what we know is in our subconscious mind or let us say our internal filing system.

The problem is that due to lack of high quality conversations, people scarcely note our existence never mind take an interest in what we think.

We are hard wired to communicate with each other and this pertains throughout the Natural World. If you look at the way that animals look after each other by making sounds, by physical contact this is what we as human beings in this fragmented society are missing out on.

The most important things to remember is that we are unique individuals and there is no one like us on the planet, and secondly all the knowledge experience and wisdom we have accumulated lies within us and it is just a question of drawing it out in the right way.

The way to start is to start. You could start by writing about ‘why I cannot write’ because I have what I think is writers block.

Some blocks I attribute to a mental construct to compare yourself with what others do and how they do it.

Good news is that you’re not supposed to write according to others but to find your own unique style. It’s the same thing with being an artist. You find your style as you go along.  The potential to have a style exists within us but in most people it is sleeping.

The group that I have formed,  The Somer Valley writing group, exists to encourage and support people to find their own identity through writing.

I write roughly a thousand words a day every day. It has become easier for me over the years as I discover how to do it. Mainly I have learned to do disregard the inner voice that says I cannot do it and believing the my inspiration will run out.

It is the nature of inspiration is that it is self-generating so you cannot run out. Can an ocean run out of water?

Follow this guideline

The phrase “a drawing is taking a line for a walk” is a famous quote by artist Paul Klee, who used it to describe the essence of drawing as a dynamic process where a single line moves freely across the page, similar to someone taking a stroll; essentially emphasizing the movement and flow within a drawing rather than a static image. 

If you wish to attend a writing group, come along with whatever you’ve got as a starter and read it out. It could even be in your head.  There are as many motivations and methodologies for starting as there are people so that gives us quite a lot of scope.


May I draw your attention to a thoughtful article about friendship and money by Dr Joseph Mercola
Friendship, not money, makes people happy  – this is a link to an article.

Small sample:

Giving — Do things for others

Direction — Have goals to look forward to

Relating — Connect with people

Resilience — Find ways to bounce back

Exercising — Take care of your body

Emotions — Look for what’s good

Awareness — Live life mindfully

Acceptance — Be comfortable with who you are

Trying out — Keep learning new things

Meaning — Be part of something bigger


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