What is thought and consciousness and why study it?

by | Jan 10, 2025 | Latest Post | 0 comments

Reading Time: 8 minutes


My take: a thought is a decision to change the vectors of our activity, to perform an action, to change a state of mind? If we completely identified ourselves within our human body, thought would be impossible because it implies there is something apart from pure biology that is causing us to take action. We may be alerted via our body 5 senses  but what is it that causes us to set off on a train of thought?

First of all we have to

# focus on a topic
# decide why we want to focus,
# take all the facts into consideration,
# then probably because we are all human beings attach any feelings and desires,
# Analyze them if we can, possibly seeking a second opinion
# then we consider the effect of our decisions on other people whether that is good, bad or indifferent.

In my observation, it requires considerable courage to pursue any thought to its logical conclusion because of fear of stepping out of the mass mind. What we decide to do will probably cause negative reactions in others, so if you decide to proceed to ‘come out’, are you willing to pay the price. I can now identify what in science is called ‘back EMF’. In other words, imagination of the consequences would go back along the chain and stifle the thought.

You could say fear over reality or you could say wisdom over impulse. In my view the peace and sublimity of the starting point for starting any new topic is a vital importance. I know that people meditate before having a discussion about something or at the least  there is a respectful period of silence before something is done.

People have written all sorts of books about consciousness, they’re all great books but you know they’re all reiterating the story of the fact that consciousness is a function of living things which can’t be associated with physical objects. So where and how is thought and consciousness working within us.

At a purely physical lain base level we can say that there are grades of consciousness which contain various combinations of elements. For example

1. Awareness: You can be aware of your surroundings, people on the street, sounds, dangers, and have the ability to respond.
2. Self-Awareness: Beyond basic responses, you can notice your reactions, thoughts, and feelings about what’s happening around you, such as feeling pity for a homeless person.
3. Wakefulness: This level means you’re not only aware but also generally alert.
4. Adaptation: Being self-aware involves fitting and adapting your consciousness to your surroundings, like considering the implications of a homeless person’s situation and wondering if there’s a way you can help.
5. Perception: At this level, you have your “antenna” up, picking up and interpreting information from all levels.
6. Contemplation: Reflect on what your senses tell you about your current situation. Do you feel a sense of calm or anxiety?

Perception, which is the gateway to the reason this article is being written, is about implications on levels of consciousness other than those prompted by and originating in the physical.

Friend – That’s what I’m trying to do, to look in to literature and describe potential ways in which that can actually function.
Research requires reading paper after paper after paper and then you’ve got to shunt information around the other way because often the authors get the conceptual frame wrong, for instance they talk about evolution when in fact it doesn’t  depend on that

So fundamental are the changes in parameters in recent years that it is looking more likely that Darwin’s theory is just  totally wrong so there’s an increasing acceptance of these types of new ideas and it would be great to embody that in a book as part of an overarching conceptual framework.

Brian – You could almost ask if anything is right with current assumptions.

We have a Rolls-Royce engine inside us so why are we looking for something that we’ve already got.
It is not possible for a machine to reach the levels that living things can achieve; the problem is it’s a very different thing because of this concept of consciousness. You really cannot activate it without taking account the nature of the causal conditions outside the realms of any physicality. Physicality is the end product of consciousness.

If we take an analogy of a block of flats, the artificial intelligence is along one floor but it’s not aware of the other floors and what’s going on there, so it’s not aware of what it’s not even aware of. Its ‘consciousness’ is just a cog and wheel mechanism but in ones or zeros. It’s got no innovation potential whatsoever.

Friend – The consciousness inquiry niche is in between all of those factors; it addresses some questions that people rarely ask They all talk about consciousness being in the body somehow but nobody really says anything much about how it fits because we are partly physical and partly spirit so how do the two marry up?

How do the two merge because if you can’t measure consciousness with any type of machine then how does the body register it? I think is a question that hasn’t really been addressed so that’s what I’m doing.

Although I will address what we used to be if you like,(beings of light at one with the universe) I am concerned looking at the situation from the biochemical point of view.  Writers are already talking about that sort of stuff: For example, what the function of consciousness is and how powerful it is so how do things work bio chemically?

Nobody ever asks how consciousness is actually integrated into the body and where is it and what’s going on.
How does a cell respond to what’s going on to allow such a thing as consciousness to work. Why is it impossible to transfer that ability into a machine.

You may ask in what way will such knowledge of this benefit what remains of mankind. I think it is an explanation and it will help overcome some of the problems that mankind has with not believing in ‘God’ and being in an environment with a lack of religion – which is a confusing thing anyway.

Religions are corrupt but nevertheless there is a lack of belief in and understanding of the spirit; I think this is what’s allowing people to be captured by machine mindedness which is why they say ‘well where’s your data’ because you can’t have data with a consciousness that you can’t measure. How do we bridge the gap?

Therefore the question is – what ways are there to try to get around that to explain what is other than ‘things’. When you write an academic article you have to justify every single statement you make with previous references that indicate that you’re on that right line.

Brian: You have chosen a very specific timeline which means that you don’t see a reality and time like anyone else because it it’s got to take you out of time and space to identify the situation otherwise you are unlikely to succeed.

Friend: It’s similar to when I did my PhD and that’s a 300 page book. While you are writing it you are ‘in the zone’ and you don’t leave it, night and day. I used to get up at five in the morning to get a few hours before others woke up and then I went to work because I experienced a feeling of quietness and I could do five or six hours working and then I’d go and get on with my day, all the more because I actually had some precious time that was undisturbed. If I get disturbed I have to stop .

Brian – when writing something, and even if it’s like only a thousand words is like imagining a symphony. You’ve got the first movement in your head (or apparently the head) and you’ve got to write that down because you know that that will lead to something else and it’s an unforgiving thing actually and and like you  I love being in the quiet.

what are the keywords for this whole  exercise ? consciousness inter-relatedness with biology and the living world?

Friends – One of the one of the problems that you’ve identified is : as you know a lot of people say well what’s the use of that type of dialogue but we know all sorts of things about gravity, we send satellites up and all of those things are based on one book by Isaac Newton.

I’m not liking myself to somebody like Newton but you know he was a mathematician but also philosopher. Most of these primary texts of virtually unreadable.  I couldn’t read the original print.  if you don’t fully understand it then yet there are people who can do that .

A presentation will hopefully give people cause to think about ‘there is something to this consciousness thing after all’ We’re not just machines; we’re not just biological machines with there’s something additional there that actually makes us human.

Brian – The fact is that everyone’s consciousness is different . Your consciousness is different from my consciousness so the question is what is that exactly. It could b e because we have different observational starting points.

That’s why if you give a talk and ask people everyone to write down what the talk consisted of you wouldn’t believe. It was the same talk which is why you can speak about the folly of communication and and the dumbing down. Even even dumbing down doesn’t work because it it dumbs people down during the process itself. High speed entropy.

Consciousness is an active thing so when there is a lack of it you end up with people being defensive and getting upset with trigger words and ending up is retarded. The idea of a university is that you start fairly naive and end up able to have Socratic discussions but in reality the way the system is going, students are ending up retards because they won’t tolerate anything that doesn’t fit in with their views.


Excellent academic video on EV’s  –  EV Mandates vs. Freedom | Mark P. Mills
Discussion about DEW Directed Energy Weapons in the Los Angeles fire. Maui 2.0

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