This was from someone who had seen one of my videos and wanted to know more. We spoke briefly on the phone and I asked for his email. I do not know him. Oh that all humans could emulate this tone and caliber of response. I can count on the fingers of one hand the number of times I have received such a heartfelt and truly transparent communication from another human being. This shows me that the...
Day: 20 December 2024
Bristol to London in 22 h 25 mins by Megabus for £112.99
Megabus have recently decided to pull out of most route and for a couple of weeks there was a big blank where journeys should have been. Yesterday I got announcement that we have created a brand new website. Whoopee. To me part of it looks rather rushed but I think it will settle. The developers probably had a gun to their head to get things done quickly. Hey there!!!!! It's official. Our brand...
Less common words in the English Language I've been recommended a book by Federico Fagan called Irreducible which is about consciousness, life, computers and human nature. It is a technical and scientific work and I noticed that there are many words that although I am familiar with I have not examined them in as much depth as I could have done, so reading this book is a chance to do this ....
Welcome to The World of Brian Snellgrove
1,630,663 words across 1,754 articles
Inspired by Samuel Pepys’ Diary 1633-1703