More on Peace, dimensionality and the chaos of the physical realm

by | Dec 3, 2024 | Philosophy | 0 comments

Reading Time: 10 minutes

And the peace of God which surpasses all understanding
will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Such is the message that was drummed into me as the son of a vicar in South London (Streatham) in the 1960’s). The principle is still relevant today. The implication of the above is that It is not so much the knowledge of God or even the words of God through Jesus, but the peace of God. Is this thinking still relevant in this day and age?

does this image miss the point?

Is ultimate peace beyond our capacity to understand? Is it a matter of faith or how we comport ourselves? We cannot understand it as an experience but we can understand it theoretically. That’s what we do. We can only understand peace in terms of the way towards it. We know however when we are at peace as opposed to being agitated. A word can be better understood by looking at its opposite and compare the profile of the two.

Agitate comes from the Latin agitatus – to be in constant or violent motion, to drive forward, to shake – whereas peace is associated with tranquility, calmness, and freedom of disturbances by our passions.

Eckhart Tolle famously quoted “ you find peace not by rearranging the circumstances of your life, but by realising who you are at the deepest level”.

Albert schweitzer put it another way “ unless we extend the Circle of our compassion to all living things, man will not himself find peace”.

Peace is the absence of force.  You cannot fully experience that unless you are beyond the realm of this life and in heaven. We can achieve this in part by the direction of travel of the vectors of mind and heart. If you go the wrong way, if you were going towards chaos, in other words if you’re separating all the time, the concept of peace would not be known to you, you would not understand it.

The English word ‘chaos’ is borrowed from the Greek word that means ‘abyss’. It was originally thought of as the abyss or emptiness that existed before things came into being but then the word was used to refer to a specific situation which  consists of particles randomly colliding with each other.

In musical terms we would call it white noise which would consist of sound frequencies bearing no relationship to each other apart from coexisting on the physical plane.

Everyone has a residue of peace because we were originally made of it before our descent into entropy. You will always have a reference frame of consciousness. It’s only when you divorce yourself from the upper coherent part of the frame that you become a machine and then become psychopathic. Then you can become like the controllers of the world who kill people willy nilly and don’t think twice about it.

It is a good idea to review how we do things because we can make the same mistake many times and that is why real science is never settled because we are introducing, or could introduce, more elements to affect the nature of a solution. In other words, preconceived ideas can be wrong although on the surface they seem to be right.

If we have lack of peace through suffering in our bodies, is it something we have done or even something we have thought? If we have a strong spirit and are on the right track it would take something incredibly strong to imprint itself on us. We must not forget the effect of life memories, things that have happened to us in past lives can come back to us as remnants in the form of pain. People re-experience all sorts of wounds and memories.

Peace is a dynamic, it’s not something you do at a particular time. It is or should be a predominant state of mind which says that whatever happens I won’t take part in any divisive activity or thought. However we have to know what that means and what it consists of. We can use as an example the recent injections that people have had to vaccinate themselves against a particular condition. Was that a decision made from peace or was it fear.  It shows how easy it could be to make the wrong decision by not understanding the overall situation enough.

The phrase ‘as innocent as doves and wise as serpents’  is a good phrase because you have at the same time the neutral overview of the situation at the same time as being streetwise. When Jesus spoke to us he was speaking from both points of view or opposite ends of the spectrum.

Ehsan Sehgal

A factor having a profound influence on peace will happen with the electronic chips that are proposed, are inserted into us. They will be done for the claimed good of mankind for example that we will be prevented from the result of frauds, illegal immigration, heart attacks, and get assistance with financial transactions and identifying where people are, and there will be all sorts of other ways about how being chipped can be beneficial.

When truth is spoken the perpetrators may be using narratives from other sources which occasionally may have twists of truth in them thus rendering the whole message invalid. For example, in the Lord’s prayer of Christianity, we have the term ‘ lead us not into temptation’ as if God has to be persuaded not too  beguile us. The correction is surely ‘ be with us in the time of temptation’.

We have to analyse everything carefully and watch out for a twist, a false premise, an assumption without  a sound basis, a non-sequitur otherwise we will be misled through lack of attention or plain and simple ignorance.

This also happens with  talk of dimensions, for example the fifth dimension or the third dimension. The more dimensions that you have to maintain and be part of, the more force that is required to maintain the structure and therefore it cannot be the right way to go. Peace cannot exist in multiple dimensions because it requires force to hold the whole thing together. Peace therefore has to be a zero dimensional  concept.

Why do many spiritual people refer to say the fifth dimension as an indication of spiritual growth. Maybe because everybody is stuck in entropy, everyone is physically orientated and the natural tendency of the brain is to fit itself within the world,  with their understanding of the world and therefore the progression is continued from two dimensions to four dimensions to five dimensions and they are in fact all wrapped up within interfaces in the structure of the universe.

To use them as explanations for spiritual ascendance is in fact the opposite of what you observe in terms of the force to peace paradigm. The aim is nothing or no thing and that cannot be expressed in five dimensions. Enthusiasm for the other dimensions is often observed with well-meaning people who unfortunately do not know enough about the whole thing.

You have got to get your bandwidth of awareness really extensive in order to cover the whole subject. For example the majority of the population have already rejected the ideas that electromagnetic fields are harmful and are sticking powerful magnets in their heads via mobile phones to use radio waves that are crossing their brain areas to talk to each other and to play music.

This is devastating for human consciousness. The number of young people with brain cancer, cancer next to the ear, have risen to staggering heights now but nobody talks about it. The incidence of leukemia and cancers is increasing in schools where they put high-powered 5G towers in close proximity. When they put chips in your body some people think they won’t have any effect.

The problem is that your body is run by electric fields so it is obvious that if scientists can find out what the controlling codes are, and that’s what they’re doing at the moment, they can then programme the chip which is connected by  radio to all of the satellite systems to affect your mood for example making you feel better. They are almost at the stage of identifying specific words and thoughts uttered within your biofield and can derive what you are thinking.

In the future, if you have something coming into you and reading your thoughts and being analyzed by supercomputers they can control your behavior. That is why they need increased bandwidth 6G and 7G because the higher the frequency the more information can be transported around the system in one second.

They are going for depopulation and do not realize that people have to return to us, or try to return to us to work out their karma. There is a danger of them upsetting the field of the earth it will actually cause it to become more enforced and they are actually digging their own graves and those of the rest of the population.  The problem is that if planet Earth is special then the rewards of us getting it right are very great but conversely the results of us making a mess of it are catastrophic.

In that sense we  cannot regard ourselves as separate from the planet. This cohort of reincarnating souls are between force and peace and to know how to guide your way through to peace is a very difficult thing as your brain is constantly trying to live in this world and adapt. So it’s got behavioural programs that will keep you safer up those behavioral programs are not necessarily the ones that will take you to heaven.

We have a flight or fight mechanism and all these systems are programmed to keep you in the world as long as possible.  The spirit of peace is not that because it is immortal it’s not bothered whether it’s alive or not alive and the state which it understands most is not ‘alive’ but it only comes into life for specific purposes.

The trick is to have enough bandwidth to find out what that purpose is and to follow and solve it. So you know where  you are you have got to contemplate yourself  and no one else can do that.

And so joining societies, social and religious,  like many people do incorporating a common view is okay to travel together along the path that you’re all following,  but to actually have rules about how to use the path including all of that these religions when they start imposing rules and behavioral patterns then you you sort of throw the individuality out the window and the individuality is really the most important thing.

The way to practice a religion as an individual is really to go out there and essentially do things like some of us do which is just treat everybody with care and and interact with them.  My evangelical ex-friends – well most of them –  think you should speak to people with a view to converting them to Jesus and I thought that if I did in fact have this view it would be so restricted and judgemental that it would eliminate 90% of the conversations and contact that I have. In my life. This mind set does not preclude witnessing if given an open door of a curious mind.

I’ll only mention things and if people pick up and say ‘I want to know more about that’ then I’ll tell them otherwise I’ll move on and talk about something else. I think the agenda what you want to inform other people of I think that’s pointing in the wrong direction I because somebody is only going to pick up information if they’re ready for it and you can always trigger them when you mention something spiritual or whatever and if they respond that means that you’ve hit the nail on the head.

the eyes are the windows of the soul

So love and caring for other people consists of just putting it out irrespective of the response or lack of it.  Do it and walk away.  If the response is positive, then we have added to the global situation. The applies with covid. I wouldn’t go up to people asking people why they’re wearing filthy masks.

Actually I don’t care.  which is not being heartless. Rather it’s about respecting somebody’s free will. if somebody wants to wear a mask then I may think it’s stupid but I’m not going to mention it because it’s not stupid to  the wearer.

If we increase complexity we are moving away from peace.  Peace is stillness, it doesn’t have dimensions. It is no-thing but it contains so much potential. The more you dimensionalize something the more you put rules and regulations on it the more restricted it becomes.

from a conversation with a friend

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