Is it possible to have peace of mind? 

by | Dec 2, 2024 | Latest Post, Philosophy | 0 comments

Reading Time: 6 minutes

The most profound peace of mind is when you are in an environment where your body’s foibles and imperfections are left behind, in other words in the state that we would call heaven.

There is a homophone to peace and that is ‘piece’. When we say we’re going to ‘give someone a piece of our mind’ you mean we are going to say in no uncertain terms what we think of them. It’s funny that we talk about peace of mind rather than peace of the heart. At a guess this is where the disturbance can mostly be seen, in the mechanical working of the mind including contradictions so we could start by dealing with that.

I find a lot of disturbance is about worrying about something over which you have no control, for example the state of the world and the many evil deeds that are going on including war. If things seen discouraging outside,  in a way we can ignore it and just do our best with what we have. In a way we need to accept that we are currently in a runaway train with defective breaks IF we only look at what is going on in the physical dimension.

On the interpersonal level we need to forgive ourselves for what we may have done to others and also forgive others for what they have done to us. People are not voluntarily going to do things that make them unhappy, and being hateful to someone else does not produce happiness so it’s probably their internal damage, long-standing emotional difficulties, which is primarily the job of the unpleasant person to deal with.

But there is a third factor which people leave out, forgiving ourselves. We say, if only I knew then what I know now in other words I did the wrong thing. May I draw your attention to the fact that you did the best with what you had at the time so remember that God is not a sadist and you are not punished for doing your best with Goodwill. However, you have to deal with the consequences.

My attitude to making mistakes is that it is much better to admit it, whether it be a business or a private situation, and don’t try and cover it up with half truths or lies. Everyone benefits at the end of the day. You have got something off your chest, and if you explain why you made the mistake, others will benefit and hopefully will not make the same mistake again

There is no question that I find the writing of this diary containing as it does about 1.6 million words over 8 years to be an enormous stabilizer for my thoughts and emotions. I am not living life only for myself, I’m living it for sharing my humanity with others hoping that they will benefit or learn some way from my experiences, good or bad.

I also feel we should not neglect mother Earth without whom we would not have life and acknowledge her contribution and nurture her. As my readers know, I do what is called grounding which is standing bare foot on the ground and allowing the balance of acupuncture points and energies within the body.

Pain is part of the human condition so instead of fighting it why don’t we accept it and try and learn from it.  I’m sure meditation helps with peace of mind but I’m a hopeless practitioner because I start thinking about ordinary things, lists of things to do, even after 30 seconds so how I would survive for two hours meditating?   I really have no idea probably I would probably want to get up and walk away.

I have however found that by being in nature, of which gardening is a part, the easiest way to relax my mind. I find that if I construct an outdoor fire I can look into the embers of the fire for ages, imagine the world within it and going to a trans state which I’m sure is very much like their nirvana  of which the Buddhist speaks.

I believe our friends, being on the same wavelength, constitute a mental gyroscope which would enable us to endure the harshest problems. However if I do not look after my boundaries properly any disturbances that the friends might have will impact me and disturb my state of mind. I am talking particularly of Klingons or needy people who somehow sap my energy  without giving anything back.

It is not unloving to others to want to be on your own because that can be the environment where we reconstitute ourselves after a battering day at the office or on the telephone or waiting 50 minutes listening to recorded music before being put through to the person and we want to speak to.

From the more existential point of view, I suggest that we will find the best peace within the eye of a hurricane in other words where the physical and magnetic forces of the world cancel each other out.

We can have blue sky above and black clouds around. So long as we see the world from the windless arena the elements can change direction and force as much as they like but you will still be immune from their effects. This requires concentration and understanding.

All matter has a force field around it, like a miniature gravitational system if you like, and this does abut on our consciousness so if we maintain our consciousness at a higher level by focus and correct priorities we will gain or earn our immunity. It’s not a question of applying or by trying to imagine something that is not there.

Nikola Tesla said when talking about the secrets of the universe’ everything is energy, frequency and vibration’. If we vibrate at a lower level, for example at a level of violence and hatred, we will automatically go outside the eye of the hurricane and will be buffeted around. We will then adopt a corresponding behavior pattern, one of aggression and territory, to try and counteract this entropic to the soul influence.

If we focus on the opposite, tuning into those who are on our wavelength, giving unconditional love as we are able, we will automatically go into the zone of peace without trying to. In other words if you understand, you do not have to try.  The necessary discipline is about keeping harmonious things in focus.

The world is not really up-to-date with this abstract thinking.  Nicola Tesla said “ the day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of his existence”.

He also said, ” the scientists of today’s think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite insane”.

The question is, what sort of knowledge do we need in order to be sane. I would have thought this includes the need to understand who we are and where we came from and where true heaven lies. Maybe the great religions have something to say on this.

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