I never gave the speech as it was not opportune, but here it is anyway
I would like to make a number of key points which have not been mentioned before and which will hopefully add to the value of the meeting this evening. I am not a campaigner but an observer and collector of data on various topics. I’m very keen on people being informed enough to make their own conclusions. I discuss roots and trunks rather than branches and leaves.
# Bath bus station would not be automatically associated with the topic of climate change but yesterday I visited an exhibition in the foyer dubbed climate hub. On close examination the posters describe very accurately what is called the new world order which is the topic of the current decade. It talks about the disadvantages of eating meat. More sinisterly, the way to minimise climate distress is just to accept it. Don’t think. Don’t question. “ Acknowledgement of the reality of the climate crisis and support from others’…. I would call it subtle programming.
# The demonization of carbon dioxide is one of the most evil and anti-nature ploys of recent decades. Carbon dioxide is an essential part of plant growth, promoting photosynthesis. Without carbon dioxide we would all die. At the moment, at 420 parts per million or 0.04%, considerably less than the average public guess of 5%, it is teetering on the lower level of our safety. We could quite easily live in an environment of 1500 parts per million when we would indeed live in a green and pleasant land.
# The trickle down policy effect is substantial so that you cull animals for the crime of farting, you must not drive your car so far, you must stick to 20 miles an hour, your spending habits may be eventually controlled by digital currency, you must not fly, but this does not apply to the rich and famous for some reason, and of course 15 minute cities. The trickle down effect also applies to the farmers. Starmer is following the world government policy of rewilding the countryside and needs to find a way of causing the farmers to give up their land.
# Local councils have the unfortunate habit of doing something without asking the public first and this is a sure sign of a hidden agenda. When the same thing happens in many towns and cities at the same time you know there is a hidden hand. It is called being in lockstep. Oh that we could have the Swiss method of referenda.
# What can we expect from our government? It is difficult to trust someone who has already broken many of their election promises. The present incumbent like his predecessor attended the school for young leaders run by the globalist Klaus Schwab. A long time ago Starmer affiliated himself with the globalists and saying that he prefers Davos to Parliament. During his 17 trips overseas he has been cozying up to his colleagues. He is in the very difficult position of serving those to whom he has committed himself, at the same time trying to give the appearance of serving the British public. Manifestly, he is failing. I remember reading somewhere that no man can serve two masters. He either loves one or hates the other or holds to one and despises the other. We are unfortunately in the latter category.
# What can we draw from this? Nothing much. From the government I expect little because the hidden agenda influence is so great so we are on our own. We need a parallel track. We need to strengthen the bonds of friendship amongst us, we need to be a little unbritish and extend the hand of fellowship to others who may be on their own. We need to grow our own food and avoid junk food. We need to benefit from nature who gives freely and believe it or not walk barefoot. We need to strengthen each other through our faith. Don’t forget that fear and joy are not compatible.
I shall include this talk in my Samuel Pepys type blog to be published later this evening. The blog contains 683 references to matters of climate change so hopefully you will spend some time on it and make up your own mind. I should be glad to be proved wrong on any point so please feel free to contact me via the site which is BrianSnellgrove.net