Climate Change – Carbon Dioxide Special

by | Nov 20, 2024 | Climate Change, Latest Post | 0 comments

Reading Time: 8 minutes

Local voices for people and planet. This was an informal meeting announced in the paper where various topics would be discussed including recycling, transport, oh and climate change.

The structure of the meeting was far from clear as described in the local Journal and I thought it would be the traditional format of audience, speaker (s), Q&A but when I arrived I found that the church had been set out as a series of tables with various topics for people to sit around and discuss. This was not what I was expecting but never mind, I joined in.

Counselor Henman spoke about ‘climate change’ and the need to get rid of the dreaded carbon, strange as we are made of carbon ourselves. I asked him how much carbon dioxide there was in the atmosphere, and he said ‘I believe it is measured in parts per million and I think it’s about 330 ‘.  I corrected him and said it was 420.

That answer gave me all I needed to know about how much he actually understood about the science so I turned my attention to talking about the new Climate Hub which had been installed in Bath bus station and made suggestions about how the exhibition could be made more attractive to visitors for example by putting up a friendly welcome sign.

I had decided to abandon my partizan stance and decided that he was a human being doing his best and I might as well give what feedback I could. I was reminded (again) that it does not matter so much if you agree or disagree but that you enable and encourage thinking in a broader way.

I did the same with other groups, having a laugh and a joke and listening carefully to what they had to say especially about heat pumps, electric cars, the environment and it was interesting to hear different points of view. The science of heat pumps is quite sophisticated where heat can be drawn even if the outside temperature is below minus 10 degrees C.

We stayed until 8:00 p.m. the official end, having arrived at 5:45 and I certainly learned a lot so although it was different from what I was expecting, it was definitely not wasted time. The attendance was small due to poor publicity and only about 20 of the public turned up but those who did engaged themselves.

In Christian terms I felt that unconditional love should be offered to everyone even if you don’t agree with people’s views and I feel that I was able to add something to the mix if only through giving people my full attention and questioning them, drawing them out. Refreshments were available at this Methodist church and the redoubtable John Mander, one of the volunteers, was on duty to make sure that people will welcome.

The Methodist church or indeed any church could not survive without volunteers so all hats off to people who give their time with little or no reward or recognition. As I said to John ‘ virtue is its own reward’.

Now follows my offering about where I see the climate change situation. The recent COP conference started with a chairman saying ‘ oil and gas is a gift of God’. I’m not sure how many delegates wanted to hear that.

Examples of world change prophecies that have not happened.

Carbon dioxide is an essential gas to promote growth otherwise known as photosynthesis. The ideal level is 1500 parts per million. Our current level of 420 parts per million is approaching danger level where plants cannot flourish.

The planet is a self-regulating system. It has managed itself for millions of years and has shown no signs of stopping. The main influence is the sun and we are approaching what we call the Maunder minimum in 2030.  Part of the self-regulation mechanism is of course trees that absorb carbon dioxide and give out oxygen.

UK produces 0.72% of the carbon dioxide in the world as opposed to 68 times as much from China, USA and India. The main producers are China, India, Russia, USA. Not to mention 24 active volcanoes that belch out vast amounts of carbon dioxide combat sulphuric material etc.

Even If we tried, we could not change the percentage of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.On the topic of particulates, Bath’s air is currently 9 micrograms per cubic meter, a generally acceptable level. Its the same for Radstock.

our friend – nature’s natural fertilizer

There is no evidence that the level of carbon dioxide has any effect on the overall temperature of the world. Indeed, it rises after increases in temperature from the sun on the periodic basis. Its called ‘natural variability’

Some years ago world governments decided to capitalize on the fear of humans destroying the planet by introducing a system of carbon credits, the ‘New Kid On The Block’. This means that those producing more carbon, so-called carbon footprints, have to pay a tax. This industry is worth at least 1Bn dollars a year employing hundreds of  thousands of people.

There is no measurable scientific evidence at these activities have changed the level of carbon dioxide significantly. I would have to describe this as the biggest scam in the history of the world and it is used to justify such other limiting activities as 15 minute cities, taxes, speed limits, restrictions on natural fuels, farming. This is not an idea originating locally but a globalist idea to which the majority of governments have signed up to.

Alas, our UK Prime Minister has sold his soul to this agenda as had our previous Prime Minister so he has the Impossible task of appearing to serve us while actually serving the needs of the globalists who want a uniform system or politics, religion and law throughout the whole world.

Who was it said that no man can serve two masters, he either loves one or hates the other or holds to one and despises the other. We the British Public are the despised. This has filtered down to local level which explains why Bath Council have ignored what the people have said with regard to 15 minute cities and set up an experimental project anyway. This policy is mirrored in all other authorities and most other countries.

This evening I shall be publishing my daily blog and the theme will be climate change and will include hundreds of references by well qualified independent agents. Included in this his mentioned of a petition from 1600 scientists saying that there is no climate emergency.

When you watch a video it is 99 to 1 the conclusion will depend on whether a person has been funded by the industry which is becoming like a runaway gravy train with no brakes.
No one is going to blow the whistle when by doing so they will lose a job and also fall foul of all their colleagues.

All the people below are independent film producers or have lost their jobs or have retired.
That’s the only way to get the truth these days.

Collection of articles (645 links)

185 Articles on my covid site relevant to climate change via Brian Snellgrove
115 articles on all aspects of climate change  The Conservative Woman
336 Articles on climate change, especially the politics – UKColumn
NO Climate Crisis – Carbon Dioxide has zero effect on temperature. Th Light Paper
Climate Facts – a useful website.
15/11/24 The climate scaremongers – energy operator tells Miliband:Your plans cannot work
15/11/24 Do as we say, not as we do: Sickening hypocrisy of the climate technocrats
Dr Shane Fudge
20/11/24   An idiot’s guide to cutting CO2 (alas, the idiots are in charge) – David Wright
22/11/24 10 Positive Climate Stories from 2024 to Remind You to Have Hope Willow Lynn
5/12/24 Scruffy website by Piers Corbyn. Scroll down the home page. Why the CO2 Theory fails
2024 – the Climate Discussion Nexus will give you all you could ever need to know.

Top videos

1. The definitive video – Ian Plimmer destroys the whole c. change narrative39:16
2. ***  Climate Change – the Movie
3. Free Movie Time: Superb watch and explains EVERYTHING on Climate! 1:21:15
4. ‘Wednesday Wakeup’  – a talk with Dr Judith Curry, exiled climatologist. 59:43  Dr John Robson
5. Mainstream Journalists Inadvertently Reveal the Shocking Truth About Climate Change
– Media Blackout
Maria Zeee
6. WEF Scientist Testifies ‘Man-Made Climate Change Is a Depopulation Scam’
7. The real cause of climate change – The Highwire with Del Bigtree
8. CLIMATE CHANGE EXPOSED- The Most Important Interview You’ll Ever WatchNino’s Corner
9. Scientific Bombshell Shatters the Climate Change NarrativeVigilant News Network
10. While Trump Claimed Victory, Guess What They Were Doing Behind the Scenes…start at 16:00
11.  11/12/24 John Robson with Javier Vinos 1:00:09 from Climate change nexus

Climate change facts by Patrick Moore, co-founder of Greenpeace2021   Why we should celebrate CO2  41:43
2021   Trees are the answer     5:37
2021   The truth about CO2     4:31
2024   Dr Patrick Moore – Carbon and Climate Catastrophe 1:18:08
2024   Dr. Patrick Moore – Carbon NetZero: A Ridiculous Solution  to an Imaginary Problem
2018   Dr Patrick Moore explains change in global temperatures are not significant


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