More reflections on ZOOM calls plus Sheeple

by | Nov 14, 2024 | ZOOM | 0 comments

Reading Time: 4 minutes

I can only repeat my plea for the organizer and the speaker to have a dress rehearsal beforehand. In today’s case the speaker had not prepared her slides properly and they were seen in a format which should have been the slideshow format i.e. full screen but somehow they managed to only fill a quarter of my screen so I could not read the words. When you are online and on air it is not acceptable professionally to say, what do I do now? Or how do I do this?

The topic was about how the majority of people in the world, sheeple, are being guided by corporate entities that have been in existence for many decades and are now showing their hand or using climate change as an excuse for a control mechanism over the minds and hearts of the whole population of the world.

Most live in a state of ignorance and fear and will do what they are told, sad to say.  My only hope is that the tide of consciousness is rising and people are saying ‘well this doesn’t seem quite right’. There were about 12 of us on the call and for such a contentious subject that’s about enough.

There was a new book review with someone speaking for about 40 minutes leaving about 20 minutes to 30 minutes for questions. Inevitably informed participants use their time to make observations and give more information, not necessarily to ask questions and the reason they were able to do this is that the attendees are quite well up to speed with the subject.

I discussed carbon credits and said this is the ideal scam because the product is invisible, if the amount of carbon dioxide goes down the organizations that funded it can preen themselves and ask for more money to make sure, if the amount of carbon dioxide goes up, they can say that we are failing and we need more money to keep us going.  Thousands up people are gainfully occupied so you don’t think anyone is to blow the whistle and say it’s all based on fake science otherwise they and hundreds of their colleagues will be out of the job.

The people who run the world are going to milk this fear and insecurity and ignorance all they can. Using the chat facility that comes with zoom is quite useful because you can give specific information, for example about the title of a book, or deal with a query that someone else has asked.

I made the comment that we talk a lot about sheep, but what about talking about the sheepdog and how they work.

I could have gone on quite happily for 30 minutes and it is in a way frustrating not being able to speak about your pet subject for more than a minute or so but it does keep me going and it reminds me that there are others in the same position as myself who are on the same wavelength.

This afternoon we finished the job for our very good customer Howard. He is a generous man and very grateful for what we do for him. It is not often that I really look forward to doing a job but this one is a real blessing. It is so horrible to have to work for someone who doesn’t appreciate you or does not take part in decisions that have to be made. Howard is quite exceptional in his attention to detail.  Howard was a diver for 40 years working in the oil industry and now he is retired he works on medical units that provide an oxygen rich environment to cure certain conditions, mainly lung conditions.

Next Wednesday there’s going to be a talk on climate change organized by the local council, Bath, and they have in my view unwisely decided to have the talk in a local Methodist  church rather than the church hall. I’m going to speak to the  minister about this because I think that such a controversial topic has no place in the church itself.  When I wrote to the booking manager he said that he had no idea that the topic was controversial.

This relates very well to the zoom meeting of this afternoon when we were reminded that most people haven’t a clue what is going on and just accept what they are told in a state of ignorance and fear.

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